VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, December 23, 2013

Children's View of Christmas

This is priceless.  Only through the eyes and wisdom of a child could you look at Christmas like this.

How Children View Christmas

Merry Christmas 2013

It is almost that magic day of Christmas Eve.  The little people are getting a bit testy - it is so hard to be good and they know that is the necessity if Santa is going to leave treats at the house in a couple of days.  But they try, and that is all we can ask.

Merry Christmas everyone, and to those who do not celebrate this day - all the best to you as well for 2014.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Maybe a Good Idea to go back….

Someone sent me this video.  Although it did not get as bad as this here, we did have our fair share of cars and trucks and buses doing pirouettes down the streets. And more than enough people landing on their backsides after taking a step on the ice.

I know that this would never happen in Malaysia. Maybe time to head back.

Navigating nature's ice

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Plagiarism or Research?

                     To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism;
                                                     to steal from many is research.   

Nelson Mandela said

Education is the most powerful weapon you can choose to change the world.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thank You again, Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela - probably the greatest peacemaker this world has known has continued his peace building even after he passed away.  A stadium in South Africa holding leaders from around the world gathered this week to pay homage to a great man. With Barack Obama addressing those gathered, it was also noted that he and Raul Castro shook hands. The world observed something that could only have been caused by the reason they were all assembled that day, and again; Nelson Mandela was that reason.  Let's hope that his presence in the past will continue to heal and reconcile other conflicts worldwide.  To look at that greeting as anything other than peace building is a pathetic way of looking at the world and relations in the world.  It is time for peace.