VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, July 4, 2014

To Garden or Not to Garden - that is the question

Living amid deer and rabbits is not a good recipe for gardening veggies.  I have the most pathetic little patch of wanna be plants you have ever seen.  Anything that is flourishing is not because of my intervention.  The former owners must have understood what to grow and why.  Lettuce, zucchini, carrots, beets, peppers, and a few others do not fit in that plan.

We have all seen a little old lady with a hairy mole on her face. yes?  Well that is what my carrot patch looks like. And about the same size.  Everything that tries to grow here is nibbled off by the midnight bandits and what I see in the morning is stems, or nothing. I have completely admitted defeat with the first little bed I planted.  Nothing survived and what has taken over is a bed of nasturtiums.  I like nasturtiums. Deer and rabbits don't appear to.  That is good.  The tomato plants appear to be unscathed. They are probably waiting for the actual tomatoes to grow. As for romaine, I won't be serving any caesar salad from this crop.

The flowers are spectacular. No thanks to me. They were already here.  And each day there is a new burst of fragrance and vivid colours bursting open around the property.

This could all sound like some serious whining. But not so.  I have had fun thinking I am a gardener. It was a good thing I had no idea of what kind of work it required, or that after the work was done that there would be no reward at the end of the day.  Doesn't matter. I will likely do it all again next year, and see what happens then.  I will never forget the profound peace I experienced during that week of hard labour. I have no idea what happened that week, other than a great deal of weeding, planting, and dreaming. And all it cost me was time and a few bucks to buy some little wee seeds.

Now time to finish up the research project so that I can be ready to be a teacher again in just over a week.

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