VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Adjusting to Island Time

I toddled off to Thrifty's (the local food emporium) today, to pick up a few bits for guests arriving on the weekend.  Took the (approximate) 2 pm bus so that I could loiter, take my time, and all else, to board the 4 pm bus home.  Ha!   I was finished anything I wanted or needed to do by 2:50 - so strolled to the covered bus waiting area to see what I could catch.  Well, lucky me - there was a 3:05 bus home. Well, unlucky me - the bus never showed up.  So I waited, I waited, and I waited more.  Finally a bus arrived at 4:15.  Nope, can't take that one - it goes to Valleyview - direct!  There were no other options but to continue to wait - now until 5 pm.  So, what did I do?  There was a bench, there were crossbars supporting the roof.  I did copious stretches that I never remember to do at home.  I did lunges, I did squats, I did anything that would amuse me and do me some good. By the time the bus did arrive, I had stretched myself silly, and felt great when I got home.

I really must figure out that island time is like our old cottage time, which was a very good thing. It makes one enjoy the day, expect little, and just be in the moment.  That is where I was today. And my primulas still got home and were planted before dinner.  Dinner you ask?  Still had some lemongrass/beet/chickpea soup, so added some freshly cooked orzo, and a side of roast beef.  Good enough for me - in fact - it was delightful.

Other good news, you say?  It does not get dark until after 5 pm now.  Yay, the days are getting longer. And with my bussing around, I saved another tree - or whatever I saved because I did not burn fossil fuels myself.

Island time is good - everyone should try it.

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