VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, January 17, 2014

Exams Done - I Survived

I must admit, the consulate staff were lovely.  Having to make that journey to placate the university was annoying, and most likely unnecessary. However, the foreign office made it more than bearable.  For that, I thank them again.

I think I have figured out how they have all decided that this trip over here was not as difficult as I explained it would be.  Chatting with one of the consular employees after the exams were done, she remarked that there was such a big difference between the size of Malaysia and the size of B.C. - just one province of our immense country. The easiest way to visualize the two is that all of BC land mass is almost 1,000,000 sq. km.  All of peninsular Malaysia is only about 150,000 sq km.  Add to this the fact that I had to travel from a fairly remote part of the island, and then get to the mainland, and you can see that it was not an easy trip to make.  The consul people now realize this.  I hope they can impart this information to their people back in Malaysia.

In any case, this step is over, I survived, and also had a good visit with family.  Now time to be an island girl again.

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