VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, March 7, 2014

TGIF - not that it matters

When you live in a rural location and do not go to an office to work, does it really matter whether or not it is TGIF?  Sort of like 'if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there, does it make a sound'?  Well, for me it does matter to some degree.  The lamebrain construction guy will likely not be here - either at all today, or leaving early if he does show up. That means a great deal to me. He has destroyed so many things around here, helped himself to whatever he wants, and then takes over any relaxation area in the house at the end of the day so he can use my wifi while he surfs God knows what on a laptop he does not know how to use.  Other than that, TGIF does not really apply to me. Oh, yes, and he burns an inferno in the fireplace, whatever he can lay his grubby hands on. He has managed to burn through a cord of wood plus the trash he burns in a few months. This amount of wood should take at least 1/2 a year to burn. Last night I found some metal structure in the fireplace that was clearly not 'proper' firewood.  After all, if he burns the trash he removes from the house during renovation, he won't have to haul it to the dump.  There, I am finished on that topic now.
The snow is almost all gone now, thanks to a heavy rain.  That rain also took out a massive tree on the property perimeter two nights ago. I was aware of something wrong when I saw a hydo truck in our lane way blocking the driveway exit.  Going out to check on things, I learned that one of our trees toppled during the night and took out the neighbour's power line.  Oops, sorry about that.  Not really a great way to get to know your neighbours.  The hydo man kindly cut up some of the tree into big logs and tossed them into the wooded area from whence it came.  The rest of the tree now dangles suspended in the forest, supported by it's healthier neighbouring trees that remained tall and proud.  Now I am feeling a bit like a bushman who goes after roadkill, fighting over it with others.  I surveyed the damage, and realized that I would be a soaked person if I were to go after those logs at this time. They would be handy for the fire pit but I will take my chances to see if they are still there when the area dries up a bit.
My little hummingbirds still come to the house.  I went out about 7 am to see what kind of day was shaping up and again, overhead, the familiar buzzing.  I looked up to see the little bird likely asking me when I was planning on putting out nectar for him.  I do know the pattern of that. If you begin, you have to do this daily. Otherwise they will die, coming to get nectar, and when none there, not enough strength to go foraging on their own. Besides, I don't really know where to get the stuff anyway.  But the ritual is amusing.  I think this little guy has trained himself to come to the kitchen window every morning, do a fly over, and then hover while looking inside to see if anyone is preparing breakfast for him.  I too have a regular pattern, and 7 am tends to be my time by the kitchen window, and each morning at that time, he peers in at me.
My TGIF is starting off on the right foot.  Now almost 10 am and no construction workers here. That does not mean they are not coming - when they stay over they don't get up until this time. I am guessing that is their pattern wherever they are.  But jeepers, they will have to actually provide their own breakfast, since they did not spend the night here last night.  Or maybe they will just build up a healthy appetite that will inhale whatever I have not hidden or nailed down in the fridge.  In any case, right now it is peaceful and quiet.  And that is a good thing.

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