VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Snow Again Tomorrow - Ha!

Nice for the warning that snow is again forecast.  Not so nice to see the white stuff falling today - Saturday.  Still no firewood delivery.  Too much snow to get the wood to the woodshed here.  I am beginning to feel a bit like a pioneer.  But then, I don't think they had dishwashers and indoor plumbing in those days.

I abandoned this post yesterday in hopes of writing something a bit more positive regarding the weather.  Not gonna happen. I awoke to more snow, had to shovel the path, and then decided that a fire was a good idea.  Split some more wood, lit a fire, and intend to sit here and mull over life and keep warm. A vision of me splitting wood would give you a laugh.  I find a huge log, stand it upright, then bring the big maul over my head and swing at the log furiously, only to miss it entirely several times. By the time I am ready to say enough blasphemies to attract every priest in the world, I finally hit the log dead centre.  Shoot. That means probably 2 more strikes are necessary in order to burn the bloody thing. Splitting one log is all I can do in a day.  Good thing I don't do this for a living. Right now I am trying to bring back the feeling of sweating every day and wanting a cool breeze that was not provided by an air conditioner.  OK, I have experienced that, now I am ready to be warm again, due to the weather.  If I was God I think I would find a 2x4 and swak me on the head. I change my mind faster than the weather changes here.  No one can keep up with 'what I want' -  even me.

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