VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Small Towns and How They View Outsiders

I just spent three months in Vancouver and needed to use the library.  It was simple.  I took my Victoria library card into one of the branches, and they gave me a OneBC library card which they told me was usable all over the province for any library services offered.  I could also login any library branch in the province to reserve books or material.  Wrong.  Not this little community.  My OneBC card was not recognized.  I called the library.  No answer.  I wrote to the local information person and explained my dilemma.  She kindly responded and said I must attend the library I mentioned, and produce this OneBC card, and then they will activate it in their system.  OK, I can do that.  On the bus, to the library, and asked the question.  Oh no, you can only borrow one book at a time with that card - ever.  You are not local.  Hmm.  I actually wanted to rent a dvd, but discovered that is not EVER possible with this card.  Hmm.  How about if I get one of your local cards?  Oh no, you must live here.  I responded that I do live here.  Then show us ID that indicates this.  I don't have any with me because that was not explained as a requisite in the mail I received.  Why don't you check my Victoria or One BC card - they have both been validated.  Oh, no, we need only local people.  I am local, I am living here.  Finally the little clerk best the librarian when she realized that I am rather disturbed about this whole thing.  Librarian does her problem solving.  She is foxy, she says she will mail my new card to my address, and then when I receive it - if I really live at that address - I will have a card as a local.  Good.  Now to the dvd's.  Nope.  The ones I wanted are not available at this branch.  Ever.  Even though, online it indicates they are.  Holy smokes, I found a dvd to entertain myself, checked it out - ONE ONLY, and then was told by miss efficiency, that I must bring that card in PLUS some id that indicates I live at that address.  Why?  If I received the mail, I must live at that address - right?  Oh, no, many people steal mail. I should have advised her that she was defaming me, but thought that might just be too much for her to deal with.  Besides, at this point, I actually wanted a dvd, and any further irritation and I would be going home empty handed.

Holy smokes, this library is the size of a broom closet.  They have almost no material, and almost no brains in the people who work there.  That was my afternoon.

Here is a fitting picture.

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