VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Snow and More Snow

Holy Crow, yesterday I had a firewood delivery scheduled and they called to cancel due to the weather. It had snowed all morning and he was concerned about the men having to climb a granite rock to stack the wood for me.  I understood.  He said they would be here bright and early today.  Oops, this morning I woke to even more snow. It is still falling, and accumulating on the massive trees here as well as everywhere else.  Forecast is for the snow to continue all day until at least 9 pm tonight.  Now I ponder what I will do if the power fails. The snow is building up on power lines as well, and if they get too heavy, they will snap.  Without power here, one has no water, heat, lights and everything else.  As far as I can see, there is no backup generator to take over.  I cross my fingers, hope I have enough logs to keep warm until the new delivery arrives, and that the power will not fail.  Yay for pioneering spirit.  Maybe the heat and monsoons of Malaysia are now looking pretty easy.  I gotta say, I am pretty proud of my accomplishments here.  My son told me upon leaving, that there was an axe at the woodshed, but it was pretty dull.  I discovered this device and figured out it is not at all an axe.  It is a log splitter.  Shaped much like an axe, it has a rounded dull surface where an axe is fine and sharp.  You drive this splitter into a log making a wedge to split it into smaller pieces. If you tried this with an axe, the axe would get stuck between the two pieces you were trying to create, and you would end up having to burn the whole thing - axe and all because it will not release.  How is that for a pioneering nature?

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