VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

No snow - sunshine

I guess we will survive this one. The massive clumps of snow continue to fall out of the towering trees. Fortunately, none have broken from the weight.  Here is a day that rain would be welcome. Rain would speed up the melting process.  With the trees lining the perimeter of the property, the sun has a difficult time reaching the various paths to different areas. Namely, the path to the woodshed for the firewood.  I guess we will have to count on warmer temperatures rather than direct sunshine to get that stuff outta here soon.

Today I will return to the school books and study for my next set of exams that will be scheduled 'sometime' in May.  It never ceases to amaze me that a university cannot offer an exact exam date and that it cannot mark and post written exams until 3 months after the exams were written.  Good grief, that timeframe may no longer be currently correct in the field of science.  I guess that is just one more cultural difference between where I am, and where I was.

As for snow, here is what the path looks like to where the firewood will be stored.  Not anywhere near accessible at this time.  No visible path here.

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