VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Power of Radio

Yesterday I listened to my favourite radio station  - CBC

A story was being told about the invention of the newest smart phone - called the smart disc.  Without the gift of imagination, this story falls on deaf ears.  That got me thinking about the newest generation of smart phone users and how they probably missed the whole point of the story.  The story teller explained this new smart phone is in the shape of a wheel, with numerals around the disc.  The beauty of this new device means no more clumsy thumbsy in texting your friends, because it automatically converts your voice message you speak into the device into a text message to your friend, whose phone then converts that text message into an audio message to them to listen to. Just think; no one will have to be able to read any longer!  For example, you speak 'hello' into this smart disc, and that message ends up at your friend's disc as the audio message 'hello'; to which they reply 'wow dude, this sounds exactly like your own voice', which is sent back to your smart disc.  The story teller goes on to say that there are no further typing errors with the smart disc because they have incorporated a series of numerals from 1 - 0 around the edge of this smart disc. One finger dialling is all that is required. Just dial your friend's number, speak your message into your microphone and it transmits to them as an audio message on their phone. No thumbs!  Just place your index finger into the slot for the numbers you want to call. Here is a cheat sheet for those under age of 50.
Of course this new smart disc would be a round device, not the rectangular one in this picture.  There was much more information imparted in the story being told on the radio.  We were advised that these new phones are ready and also assured that all those who text each other will be fighting to be the first buyers when they are available to the public.  A whole new way of communicating. Right?  

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