VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Happy Birthday Jennifer

For those who follow me here, it is again Jennifer's birthday.  This one is a milestone for her. A Jack Benny birthday year.  I had to explain the concept to her. She is far too young to understand that one. For the rest of you youngsters you will have to google it to understand.

I find it amazing when I check the stats here. The most popular posts are always Happy Birthday Jennifer posts. I am not really sure why, but that is what is constantly read and reread.  Anyway, besides her birthday today, I am also contemplating some kind of work since I am back in my homeland.  What keeps coming across my desktop is constant job offers to teach online.  That is beginning to appeal to me. I can be all over the world with a click of my mousepad and never leave the house where I am living.  Intercultural experiences can be mine without having to take a jet across multiple time zones.  I have had a number of Skype interviews for various Skype teaching opportunities but each of them just does not feel quite right. I get close, then think that my time and skills are worthy of a better compensation.  I have discovered that online teaching - just like offshore English teaching is extremely underpaid.  I have come to the realization that we are not valued because firstly, the vetting of teachers is lax, and secondly, because of the poor vetting, they end up with less than adequate teachers doing the job which reflects in fairly insignificant changes in the learner's skills.  Some of us take this work seriously. Some of us do make a difference, but for the major part, young westerners take the job as an opportunity to travel the world and live in a constant vacation mode, showing up occasionally to work with a fake degree and little ability to do the job.  Many of them cannot even string a good sentence together themselves.  Anyway, I have had enough online job offers to now realize that I can do that job, and as each one comes to me I also realize which ones I want to do.  Pay does keep increasing, format keeps improving, and organizations offering the work keep getting more organized, professional, and supportive.  I think I have chosen the right one to work with.
While looking at these options, I received a job outline that I knew I could do. I scrutinized all the required skills and background and realized that I had every one of them.  It was made for me.  Only problem was the compensation.  If I was planning on becoming wealthy doing that job I was going to be rather disappointed.  But is money everything?  Take a look; I am sure many of you can also do this one with your eyes closed.

Can You Do This Job?

BTW: Happy Mother's Day May 11th

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