VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Popcorn Again

I am probably the best consumer with regards to purchasing popcorn poppers worldwide.  I even left my mark in SE Asia by having Singapore bring in the electric magic machine that would work on that voltage.  Now back on home soil, and once again without a popper, I often checked appliance aisles to buy another popper.  Oddly, they are not as available as they were in the past.  I think Canadians are generally lazy and prefer the microwave bags over the pop your own variety.  I cannot tolerate those bagged ones - they are full of chemicals simulating butter flavours and loaded with salt.  There was one brand I formerly bought that was plain popcorn without the chemicals.  But I can no longer find it.  Interestingly, in the grand metropolis of Duncan I searched SuperStore looking for an electric popcorn popper.  None.  Just when I gave up, there was this little plastic bowl with an ill-fitting lid.  A banner wrapped around it told me that it was a microwave popcorn popper. Yay!  I took it home, read all about it, and learned that it is not made of BPA (some nasty chemical composition that will kill a mule in it's tracks), nor melamine, which I think does the same as the BPA.  For now, whatever the product composition is, I will believe it will not harm me.  And the thing makes incredible popcorn.  A tidy little bowlful, personal size.  At least I consider it personal size.  It was my lunch for the past two days in a row.  munch, chomp, crunch!

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