VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nana in Charge

Being the mother of the mother seems to have some perks when it comes to babysitting.  Last night I was given the privilege of babysitting solo because mom was going out to dinner with the girls and dad was not going to get home in time.  No interview questionnaire, no reference check, no samples requested in role playing.  Guess when you raised some children yourself, and one turns out to become a parent, you pass the test.

We had fun. Nana is still producing presents every day, and yesterday was cars and hello kitty colour/sticker/scenery books with crayons.  Kolly could not believe she had her own crayons and Levi could not believe she should have them.  But once they got over that, both were happily drawing, colouring, and admiring their work.  Nana was even dispatched to test her own staying in the lines on some of Levi's pages.  She passed there as well. whew

The keeper of the crayons doing a random count to be sure all was in order.

During and after colouring time, we dined on pizza.  Little Kolly kept pace with her big brother and chomped down 3 pieces.  In fact she probably passed him.  He, like his Nana, leaves the crusts. She, on the other hand, leaves nothing.

After the dining and colouring were complete, we returned to the dining room to get back into our dradle match.  After completing 1 and 1/2 games, Levi walked away from the table with one win and a possible loss (once we finish the game today).  I wonder if we can get some cradle Christmas tree ornaments?

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