VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, October 21, 2013

I see there are still some readers

I had an amusing conversation the other day.  One of my daughter's friends announced that she and her family were going to a Malay restaurant for dinner that day. Maybe she was demonstrating her international palate.  I was a bit surprised - Malay food is not really something that would be considered restaurant fare over here.  My daughter clarified, and said the Malay restaurants here are more along the line of Thai food.  Talking further, I asked her what she liked in Malay food.  Oh, the nasi goreng is my favourite, was the reply.  Once I composed myself, I did respond - nasi goreng is fried rice.  If a native to Canada has ever been to a Chinese restaurant, fried rice is not a new thing.  And not really Malay.  I think the Chinese have that one sewn up (done a very good job as well) and have had it for many decades or centuries.  So, I am guessing we really do not have Malay restaurants here, but I could be interested in a Thai one - with banana leaf chicken or som tum.

I also amuse myself with greetings.  I never spent time out after dark, so the only greeting I used with any frequency was Selamat Pagi (good morning). Infrequently, I went to the night market - so mastered Selamat Malam. I was walking the dog the other night, saw an older Chinese woman and greeted her with Selamat Pagi.  She must have thought I was nutty.

for now... selamat tinggal

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