VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

studies continue - frustration does too

I managed to get all courses finally on my student page, fees paid, and into the material in order to catch up on the delay caused by the move.  What really bugs me is the fact that nothing seems to work on the site, and when it does, there is incomplete information available to do a task. Egad!

Right after I paid my fees, the whole university site shut down. For a few days. This was not the first time this happened to me.  I recall the first time, my buddy who was always laughing at me for taking this in the first place, and telling me to quit throwing my money away on something that will disappear.  Not sure why it shuts down.  But it does, so I try to always download as much as I think I need in case it happens when I need something from the site.  A few days later it was up again, but I noticed that there was a due date for the first assignment for models of instruction - but no assignment posted.  No facilitator name to write to.  I noticed a past semester prof in the forum discussions, so wrote to him. That was brilliant.  He never replied.  So, back to registrar, dean, president, and any other address I could find and finally got a reply from someone only listed as 'staff' who attempted as they always do - to make it appear like I overlooked something.  Thanked her and said yes, it is indeed posted there NOW, that I asked the question.  However, it is so loosey goosey that I have to write again.  No parameters of how long an essay and nowhere to upload it.  Only useful information was to 'submit a hard copy to the facilitator of the course'. But then, who is the facilitator, and what is the mailing address? You can be sure I will not be buying a flight to Malaysia to deliver a few pieces of paper worth 20% of a final mark. So, back to e-mail and taking a few deep breaths to get past this latest hurdle.  I cut and pasted the outline of the assignment, so that I need not be told once again that I misread something that I did not misread or miss.  Hard copy my foot!

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