VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Studies and what to do

As much as I enjoy doing research, quantitative research is not my favourite.  I have an entire class in that area this term.  I am the ONLY enrolled student in that class.  It is not an elective.  It is a core course.  There is no forum for discussion. There is no professor assigned.  I hate it.

Finally wrote my Dear John letter - I am sure the dean (whose name is John) cringes when he sees new mail in the inbox from me.  But no choice.  I needed some assistance. And considering the fact that every other student gets tutorials on every subject every second weekend, I am not asking for a great deal.  We will see what comes of the question.  He did reply speedily, with a name of some person to offer as a tutor.  I wrote.  But now wait to see if they can read, speak, or understand English, and hopefully have a Skype account.  If no Skype, it can be a slow process, or a sleepless one for me if I have to hover around the internet on their schedule waiting for some responses.

I never did get a response as to why I am the only student enrolled in that course, and appear to be the only one EVER enrolled in it.  Maybe I need to do some quantitative research in this area and see if I am simply being tested on something that has nothing to do with the degree, or that it really is not a core course and no one in their right mind would take it.  For now, I muddle along, unhappily.

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