VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, October 11, 2013

Using My Brain - in a different way

From a job that required me to think for myself, think how the learners think, and then guide them to something new, I discover I am just doing the same job with a different set of students.  The students right now are the grandchildren.  They keep one on one's toes.  Their mother has gone off to Florida for some work related meeting.  I am the get them ready and out the door - then reverse at the end of the day - person.  It is exhausting.  They are clever little people who have built a strong set of resources that they bounce off their mom.  I dont want that, I dont like that, I 'whatever' has stopped. Old Nana does not buy the routine. One rule with Nana.  No crying allowed, unless there is physical injury.  Which really means - no crying allowed, because anyone who has ever been a parent knows that when a child is really injured, they never cry.  Use your words is not a sentence I will accept easily.  Say what you need comes to mind.  Then we can negotiate if Nana considers the issue negotiable.  Whining is not allowed.  Big brother, who taught the younger one how to whine happened to notice how unattractive it sounded.  A good lesson for both. And that little 2 year old knows exactly what Nana means when she says whining is not attractive.  She immediately reframes the sentence in an affirmative manner - no wimpy sounds uttered.  What a clever girl!  Today was the best.  Miss 2 year old is very ready for potty training, but no one seems to be picking up on that.  We were outside waiting for the friend who was arranged to take her to the play school, and suddenly with little arms outstretched in a disbelief posture  I was advised ' there is poop in my pants'.  Right, some poop rascal just arrived and tossed it into her pants when she was not looking.  Back into the house we went, changed the pants  and were still ready for the chariot driver.

It is very obvious to me why God gave small children to young parents. It would have been a very mean trick to have changed that rule and given we oldies the little people.   I am looking forward to returning to my studies which begin next week. I have a month and a half to catch up on three courses, so no dallying around for me. Hit the keyboard is what I need to do to get my first assignments done on time.

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