VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Family Gathers

We Skype chatted with family last night, and are preparing for his arrival on Friday.  The youngest one here was definitely flirting with her uncle, and managed to get pretty buzzed up as she showed off for him.  By mid month we will all be staying over at his new home on the island.  Mr. generosity will be there having beds delivered to the house as we all gather (including his new wife), in Vancouver and travel over to view the property.  The last time we were all together was over 5 years ago.  Good thing people have babies. That was the occasion for our last family gathering. The adventuresome diver came home to meet his new nephew at that time. Now, it appears the reason for the gathering is his own marriage and ownership of property.  Whatever the reason, you can be sure I am a happy lady to have both my children in the same country at the same time.

My school work - good grief!  I have written to everyone at the university to get some answers, assistance, or some kind of direction.  I finally got a response to a question asking if I was on the right track or way off course. I sent an example of what I thought was correct.  Answer: you are on track.  (full stop, end of message)  That does not make me feel any better.  I think I will grab Jenn today and run this stuff by her brilliant brain to see if she can figure out why I am on track, and how I can stay there.  I only have a few more days to get three courses first assignments done and uploaded to the system.  This is not how I like to work. But I have done it to myself, so now must deal with the outcome.  Drat.

Halloween fast approaching - both goblins have promised Uncle Ry that they will save him a chocolate or two from their loot bags.  We have a mouse that squeaks and a superhero Batman that will be representing out household this year.  The mouse practices her sounds regularly and tends to forget that a mouse does not roar, frequently raising her little paws in a claw-like pose, dashing through the house roaring.  (photos to come)

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