VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cow Frogs yet again

As Labour Day comes to a close, I turn off the TV.  Several episodes of A Big Bang Theory have entertained me for the day, while I prepared a powerpoint presentation for next month.  Each one as funny as the previous one (show, not powerpoint).  I have a whole binder full of these shows - loaned from a friend.  This should entertain me for quite a while. That reminds me, a person called Bob was supposed to send me these same shows from Canada.  Guess I don't need his charity now.

Once the house became quiet, there were the toads or frogs or whatever they are mooing outside.  I sure hope I never have to meet any of these guys. If their voices emitted from their goiter-like throats indicates size, they must be as big as cows. I can visualize a herd of these critters roaming up my street, mooing and wreaking havoc along the way.  You know those people at football games with the long plastic trumpets that blow the horn when there is a touchdown? That is the sound of these creatures.  Maybe I should make some pom-poms and be a cheerleader.  I have figured out a way to control the crazy dogs that wander aimlessly around here. They will settle into a sunny spot in any of our garden beds and then fight over the space.  My trusty garden hose is not something they enjoy pointed in their direction, so all I need to do is turn on the tap and away they dash. Not going to work with the cow 'gang' - the rain is what brings them out, so a sprinkle of water will just encourage them to take up residence at my place.

Back to work.

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