VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, May 25, 2012

This is Where iPads Are a Good Idea

I am pondering taking my computer. but will likely not.  Fretting about losing it or trying to get internet is not something a vacation should be about.  I know the place I am staying taunts wifi all over the place, but not sure if this really happens.  And then wondering if someone will take it from my room while I am out brings me to the thought 'just leave it at home'.  An iPad however would stow in the room safe and save all that trouble. Maybe next purchase will be the trusty iPad. For now, I am thinking I will go in the old fashioned way - simply with a blackberry to keep me in touch with the world.  Not that it will work out of the country, but I will have a camera on it.

Yesterday I stopped for a 2 hour massage on my way home from work. That was a great idea, considering the morning conversation I had earlier. I then came home and slothed about and watched two hours of The Big Bang Theory. I was hoping I would be coming home after this vacation to wireless internet installed in my home. That is certainly not going to happen. I called the provider yesterday morning and was instructed to call the business manager, as she would be expecting my call. Well this bimbo was less than cordial, and would not let me get a word in during her rant of second language English.  I finally asked if I could speak, but she could not hear due to her own blather.  Eventually I said (at a volume equal to her own) if you would slow down I might be able to understand what you are saying, and if you could briefly shut up, you could hear the responses to your own spew of information.  That was not well received. She disconnected after announcing I should return to Denmark where I would understand the  language. Denmark!  I did manage to interject and say, 'I am not from Denmark, I am from Canada'. Her response - Denmark, Canada, what is the difference? Then she disconnected.

Well, that precipitated a nice long letter, which I sent to my MP and delivered to the MoE in Kota Tinggi because that behaviour is not acceptable - to citizens or foreigners alike.  If there is no response in a positive direction to that letter, then I am finding someone to publish in a newspaper here.  One of my neighbours freelances as a journalist for one of the papers so I will take it to him.  I did my nerdy research and discovered that T M is a PPP corporation and is publicly traded.  Well, any publicly traded company has shareholders and those shareholders have a mandate. That mandate is to make money, and this bimbo was not interested in making money in that call. A PPP (public private partnership) is financed by the government because it deems (this particular one) to be an essential service to the 'people', namely land line phones.  Hence the reason for the letter to the government.  My neighbours are standing behind me on this one; cheering me on, but still hiding behind my skirt panels because they have never stood up to that which they feel strongly about.  Yay for the foreigner.

For these reasons, I think the computer would be best at home. You can see why I needed a 2 hour massage, right? If I find a public computer and have interesting pictures, you will see them while I travel, otherwise, see you back here in a week.

Jeez I hate auto correct. It takes over your life, makes a mess of the content, and sits back and pats itself on the back. If that little gremlin inside your computer or phone actually read what it wrote it should be embarrassed. Boo I say to auto correct.

Bali Hai

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