VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

More Apoplexy

For those of you who are still willing to read this gibberish, here goes.  Internet provider called this morning while I was at work. Can't figure out the configuration in the manhole for our complex so can't connect the line. BACK to the little man, went past the number generator to take my turn, and stood at his desk. Asked where 'he' was, and told, not in.  Well,  I continued to stand, and saw a door to the 'back room' swing open, and there he was.  Could not hide from me, so motioned me into the back room, looking extremely sheepish. He asked me to come with him to the tech guy's office (somewhere else in K T). I suggested that he confirm the guy was actually there. Calling, he learned he was not really the person to talk with, and was given another dude's name. Someone in JB now. Ismail, the engineer for the internet company.  After Vanoh spoke with him, I requested my time on the phone as well. Seems that the engineer cannot just figure out where the lines go, and wants me to provide a blueprint for the complex plans. Good God, I will go down the bloody manhole myself if someone would just tell me what to do down there.  I asked where such things are filed in this country. No one seems to know that answer.  I stopped back at the office at the end of my complex. An old fella, who (pretended to speak no English) blathered on with the two young ladies in the office and then left. They filled me in.  Again, no name for the original developer of this site.  But, they made a couple of calls for me - first the MP office to have them contact the internet guys and put some pressure on. Then, the engineer to let him know that the MP office would be calling.  I gave up and went home.

Now home, two of my amigos in the complex came by. They are still thrilled with what I am doing and applaud my persistence. After explaining the latest developments I asked 'where do blueprints and property titles get filed?'  No one seems to know this answer. Ha. The amigos knew. Back to MDKT I go tomorrow and get that information and then throw it at the engineer.  These two are the ones that have built a garden behind our homes. Now I have offers of fresh lemongrass, long beans, and all the fruit I can eat.  But  I want internet.

I have locked my gate and am pouring a gin and tonic.  I have not felt like drinking for months, but everyone reaches a threshold and knows when the time has come for a bolster. I have reached mine.  I want my bolster. However, I feel like I see a bright light. I hope it is the one at the end of the tunnel and not the one you see at the end of your life.

I don't think this is the time to get my blood pressure checked again. Not just yet.

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