VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Next Time I Natter about Gordon, Please Remind Me

Yes, my home is free of any kind of bug that could try to live here. Thanks to Gordon. But really, I know these little guys reproduce on some sort of cycle, and I keep forgetting to check the last time I was over run.  I an again over run. Even the lizard has vacated - they took over the lizard kitchen recently.  I opened my Barbie fridge and a tiny string of a gecko fell off the door.  I was looking for some supplies for work in the storage room and there before my eyes, a teeny guy dashed up the wall from his perch on the light switch.  Yesterday I watched two try to escape through the back bedroom screen.  They are about the size of butcher twine and same colour.  I am so afraid I am gonna step on one. It makes me icky feeling about that. I drove over a dead dog on the way to work yesterday and then on the other side of the highway, I managed to drive over another dead one on the way home. Each time I do the bump bump, hump bump, I shriek, squeal,  and then gag for about an hour thinking about what I had done.  I cannot imagine what I would do if I stepped on a live baby gecko.  I can't imagine.

So, please, if you see me ranting about an influx of geckos, please tell me.  I have noted that this latest crop appeared on Mother's Day, so I will be able to calculate a timeframe and prepare for the onslaught once I have a schedule figured out. I am not sure what I will do to prepare, but at least I won't be caught off guard.

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