VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Getting close to the weekend. I did not think that would happen this week. And we had a short week. Labour Day on Tuesday broke up the week considerably, and tomorrow - a Batu Pahat day - will make it even shorter.  I hate those Batty days. They are useless driving days on stupid roads to  meetings that are equally useless.  I suggested this to my boss, so he asked how could he improve them. My first suggestion was to send us an agenda and to send it well before the actual meeting. He listened. We received an agenda on Sunday night. Guess who is on it? Yes, moi.  For some reason I am asked to convey to the others how to set up a travelling library.  They all know how to do it; they have witnessed my own. They have no intention of doing it - they are allergic to spending their own RM's on a project for the benefit of others.  So, really, this meeting could be done via e-mail and we could all stay home and get some work done, and avoid the travel time too.

Some time between finishing work today and hitting the toll booth tomorrow for the jaunt I have to pay Mr. Azman a visit at MDKT.  Some blueprints are waiting for me there and I intend to get a copy and place it in the fists of the engineer at T M - the internet provider.  Mr. Azman is a skilled figurehead.  The last time I 'dropped in', he of course was (like everyone else there) shocked that one would do such a thing, but curious about the 'white lady' arriving. He came out to greet me warmly - at the same time as advising me that he only has '5 minutes' before a scheduled, very important meeting.  I am sure there will be yet another 'meeting' but I will drop in just the same.

In order to make all this bearable, I am going back to JB tonight. Dining at a Korean restaurant with a colleague tonight and staying over,  then heading together for 'Batty' in the morning.  After my first treat of Korean barbecue and mistakenly ordering the rib eye plate I am following her lead of the 'pork belly' stuff. I kept sneaking pieces of the delectable morsels from her plate and casting aside the tough bits of beef I had ordered. Although the term Pork Bellies is rather repulsive, they are calling me. It is actually just bacon. Bacon is a much more civilized name, I think.

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