VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Melt Down with the Travel Agency

I am not sure I will ever learn. Patience is a virtue one must adopt if one wants to live in this part of the world and think they can do things that one does in the western world.  My head aches, my back aches and I probably can no longer string a complete sentence together right now. What happened? Well, internet did not happen at my house so trusted that perhaps a travel agent might have better technology available. That was my first mistake.  Maybe after learning that credit cards and debit cards are not part of their language I would have been better off finding my own internet connection. But as I say, I don't seem to learn quickly.  Instead, I dashed to my bank and withdrew a substantial amount of ringgits to pay for the accommodations in Bali - but was told my credit card could be used for the flight. Not so. My card again, which has caused me enough angst in the past, did not disappoint me this time. Didn't work.  For some reason it did not like the secret pw but maybe, just maybe it was due to the slow connection at the travel agency.  I could have swam to Bali and back by the time we completed the transaction.  Just thinking about how things went makes my head ache worse right now.  I eventually went home and picked up my own computer and hooked into Rosemerah cafe (which seemed to be up and running today) and we completed the transaction for flight on my own computer. What is that telling me? I should have just gone to Rosemerah and did it myself. Could have saved a bit of money too. But then, the credit card was being pernickety, wasn't it?  So, cash on the table and I have a flight. Now the room. They gladly took my money but said thank you.  I asked when they plan to confirm my room reservation. Oh, yes, we will try next week was they reply.  No no that is not good enough. With a bunch of BS, they (I think) pretended to make phone calls to the resort and told me that they have to confirm on Monday.  I gave up.  Left with a much lighter wallet, and receipts that I insisted on and now wait to see if I really have a place to stay on that island paradise.  If not, I can say I have been to Bali. If so, I will have a wonderful time.

What is the A A prayer? 
Lord grant me the faith to accept the things I cannot change, the  courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.  

I don't think there is a need to be A A to live by those rules. They can make life more peaceful for anyone.

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