VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dont Ask

Starting with the easiest memento from Singapore, here are a couple of items that probably don't need any explanation.

if you could read the item on the left, you can see where we were - might say something about 'Raffles'. If you google that name, you will see historical landmark in Singapore. The writing over the man and woman says Singapore Sling.

As for lamps from Ikea, Emma and I were outvoted.  Besides our not being able to take the cars out of the country, our cell phones quit service out of Malaysia too. So, the guys would not let us out of their sights as we  had planned on the onset of the trip.  We did everything together, and I have to admit, it was fun. We did take in cultural heritage sites as well as good food stops that John led us to because he had lived in Singapore for about a year recently.  We dined at what looks like a food fair, but is all ethnic.  Indian food there, and then dinner was a Thai restaurant (nothing at all fancy but great eats). So by the time the guys said we could head to Ikea which would be on the way back to the border, it was 9:30 and we knew that we would not get there before it closed. So, another pit stop where the item on the right was acquired.  Thank God John has a big backpack. I am thinking that the guys never intended to go to Ikea, and just kept us entertained until it was too late. Em and I have decided that they will drive us to the bridge in a couple of weeks and we will do our own Ikea run, get the lamps and then get picked up at the border in a couple of hours.

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