VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sate or Satay? Doesn't really matter

I just scarfed down the most incredible sate I have had (well maybe equal to the snack Ry and I shared in Thailand - but we wont be seeing pork satay here.  I was on my way to the local Chinese place that taught me t' chau pi xai (for bok choy), when I saw a scrawled sign written with a spray can of paint "SATE". So I quickly did a U turn and pulled up. The aroma was intoxicating.  Asking what kind of meat was met with mutton and chicken. How much was responded with 50 sens a stick. I could hardly wait to get them into the car and begin gnawing on them. What a feast in a land that I was convinced did not want me to enjoy meat.  I am so embarrassed - he convinced me to buy RM10 which translates into 20 sticks.  I now have 6 untouched sticks and not a vegetable in my belly.  Now I ask - why on earth would I bother to make my own when a nice man at the entrance to an alley near my BHP petrol station does this daily? It is times like this that I am happy that the North American health inspectors don't dictate the rules here for food service. Voting?  Incredibly, I believe the crazy mutton wins hands down! Kind of like a taste from home. Even if we pansies eat only lamb there. I also stopped into Rosemerah to ask my buddy if he would bend his rules for time using the tandoori oven. I am taking nann which he fires in the tandoori, making it very much like thin and crsipy pita, because I am taking hummus to our Canada Day party on the weekend. Also taking Som Tum, so should be quite international.  Now I am thinking I should also load up on the SATE and impress the pants off the Canucks. I had stopped in at the KT hospital to finally get the dr report for my insurance claim.  All my colleagues told me to ask the nice dr that looked after me to our party. He was not there but the nurses all remembered me, so said they will let him know and then asked if they could come too,  Guess we will have quite a mixture there.  I will take m,y camera. Fitting too that we will celebrate on the same day that all of you will be celebrating.

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