VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Getting to Singapore is actually very time consuming. It is odd because it is just a short bridge over the water from Johor Baru.  But there  is so much walking I felt like I had walked to Singapore before we even left the Malaysian side of the border. Once we were scanned and screened, we traipsed through the Singapore side and hopped a bus that took us to a skytrain. We bought passes to ride the train, and took about an hour to get downtown.  Then, we discovered that the trains stop running by 11:30 although the border remains open 24 hours. So, we just squeaked through each train we needed and the final two buses to get back to customs.  Once back in Malaysia, Travis and Em went on a search for getting into the parkade to retrieve the car. We took as long trying to get the car out of the parkade as we did in all the train and bus trips on the other side of the bridge. Finally back at their place,we all took turns having showers and falling into beds. I got up early as usual and went down to the pool and stretched and kicked around in the water. Finally went back up to the condo and found everyone else sound asleep still. Could not find any paper to write a note and did not want to text anyone and wake them so left.  They finally got up and thought I was in the pool. On my way back to KT I thought I would stop in at Tesco as I have not been there. On my way out I found this Thai massage place that looked clean, respectable, and just what I wanted. After counting out the few pieces of money I had I realized I could have a 1 hour Thai massage and I did.  It was wonderful. After talking with my new friend from Australia, who is a nurse and advised me that dengue fever leaves one with the serious muscle aches and pains for a long long time, I was hoping this would help. I was in such pain yesterday and could not get rid of it. After the massage I felt a lot better, but still have several areas of cramps. So I am gonna head back to this miracle worker and have a 2 hour massage next time. It should get me almost back to normal. at least until the nasty cramps return at a later date. I felt so wonderful after that I seemed to have turned myself around and was heading back to my friend's condo instead of home. I only realized this when I saw the landmark I use to turn off the freeway to get there. I have no idea how I did this because I saw the KT sign when I began driving. However, I could not have because I was heading toward Singapore. Felt pretty smug because I managed to turn myself around and get home before too much time had passed. As rthe subject line indicates, this was very much drivel. Hope was was not too boring.  For those of you that will come to visit me, I will be sure to make you an appointment with Pa, my new Thai Massage therapist. She is great!

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