VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Very very weary

I cannot post any more. I am so tired. Yesterday Jeff and I were heading back to KT after workshop at my base school. We were less than 10 km from home when we hit a gridlock on the actual 2 lane highway on the route. People were shouting at me and waving their arms saying No No NO  do not go.  So when I figured out what they were warning I hit my horn for Jeff to stop- although we were going nowhere anyway. Seems we hit a flash flood that I have since discovered is a miracle I have never hit one earlier. We had to turn around because I have found over the months many little side routes and we drove back toward my schools and then veered off to the right and joined up to that famous backroad I take to Jeff's schools.  We had to drive  all the way to his schools and then back up to KT via his route. Whatr a nightmare!. Then I went scouting out the police station so I could figure out how to go to work this morning. I never did find the police station and admitted defeat. This morning I tried again and after several wrong directions by well meaning people I found the place. Complete with a gatekeeper and a rifle. After 2 hours of whatever I was assured that the road was open again but I had no idea where the heck I was any longer. So, a nice police man complete with guns and sirens guided me to the highway and I was on my way again.  You cannot say that these people wont help!  So for that reason, I am exhausted and need to turn off the computer and turn in.  Today was also a long day on it's own because I was back at the route that I took last night unexpectedly so a lot of driving in just two days.  I really am embarassed with this whining. I really only worked for a few hours this morning and and a couple of hours this afternoon. But it really is tiring to drive so long and so far for so little. good night all, I will be back.  Oh yes, but tomorrow I have a meeting in Jeff's schools ( not a usual occurance) so long drive again, and then over to JB because my computer seems to be repaired. But the nice colleauge who took it in for me while I was in Tailand lost the receipt so I have to get a letter written on work letterhead and take my passport to claim the bloody thing back. Ergo more driving! So again good night I will be back sometime tomorrow hopefully with the pictures of Thailand. and the fabulous vacation I had with Ryan.

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