VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pai Kha - The Elephant

OK, after some searching online, our elephant was called Pai Kha

I thought the trainer said Pie Cow, but now see that the transalation for Pai Kha is  'go' 'journey'. So that is what he would say to the elephant when he talked to him.  He would say 'hello, pai kha' and the elephant would raise his trunk, trumpet, and flap his ears happily. Then he would say 'how are you feeling Pai Kha"?  and again he would trumpet and flap his ears.  Then, when he asked Pai Kha if he was humgry, he vrey noisily trumpeted and we headed to a field where he grazed on the jungle buffet.   It was amazing how he only made these noises whenever his name was mentioned.  A very clever fellow indeed.  It was also very amazing how he talked so gently and lovingly to the elephant with sort of grunts and groans, much like the sounds the elelepant would make. It clearly was a language they had between each other that both understood.  The trainer made these noises when the elephant was being driven by Ryan, and we were sttanding in the river on the way to the waterfalls. He wanted the elephant to move so that the photographer could get a good angle for a pictures. The elephant moved back and sideways until he was standing where the trainer guided him to stand.

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