VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fears of Repetetive Strain Injury

After a couple of days on the island I was fearing a tennis elbow problem - or at least a sprained wrist. I seemed to think there was going to soon be a shortage of food, so did my best to consume everything in sight when I saw it. And, with the china dishes and genuine stanless steel cutlery - none of which I am accustomed to any longer, my fear was that lifting these heavy utensils would strain my muscles. But I did a good job of keeping up my strength with what I constantly put in my mouth as nourishment. Poor Ryan, the financier of all this gluttony kept smiling and opening his wallet.  He are a few shots of what I seemed to enjoy the most.
Ryan introducing me to barbecued seafood Thai style on the beach. I think we spent the entire week just smiling at each other. It was so wonderful to have him to myself and be able to talk my face off and listen to him tell me what he has been up to since we last stayed up all night talking. These reunions have to become more frequent, and lucky for me, we both agreed with that.

 First you choose what you want and then they bring it to you barbecued
Our first course was gigantic prawns.  This was my dinner plate, and it was a large plate, so you can see that the prawns were enormous. These little puppies were just mine, and were followed by a red snapper, which we shared. This was the evening I tried Som Tum (Papaya Salad) for my first time. Definitely 'Some Yum' .  Clearly no hunger strike was happening in Koh Samui
I am very proud to say that I beheaded the prawns myself.  I think it was because it was quite dark out and I could do the beheading without really seeing what I was doing. Ryan served the fish.

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