VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Still have more Thailand pictures and a bit about Monty

With the frustration of using two computers and having downloaded my Thailand pictures to one of them, I seem to always be on the wrong computer at the wrong time. Complicating that further with the fact that I actually have a job to do, and for some reason work, I have not uploaded all my favorite shots from my vacation wtih Ry.  I hope to stay home this weekend and catch up with life, so hopefully I will get these pictures on the blog for all of you to feel a little envy when you see how I lived for that magical week.
For your amusement, I seem to have added another critter to my household. I bit the bullet and stopped in at a shop on my way home from work yesterday. I was tired of sitting on the pathetic sofa effort that was left for my use in this house. I had the options of sitting on the cheap office chair I bought, a plastic lawn style chair, or the nasty little wooden sofa thing that has such thin cushions you feel like you are sitting on children's playground climbing bars.  So, my real options were to sit on the computer chair, stand, or go to bed. Well I lie. I do have my lawn chairs, but when company comes over, I have to offer that to them and I sit on the plastic thing.  Anyway, I have been stalking a furniture place and finally made my offer. The guy accepted and followed me home with his truck. I bought a REAL SOFA & A REAL DESK WITH A REAL CHAIR. I will photograph all soon and post. Really quite swish!  Oh yes, the reason why I was telling you all this is because after the delivery man left I felt it was necessary to remove the cushions from the sofa to be sure that no snakes, etc have joined my household. Good idea, because when lifting the second cushions, MR LIZARD - and I am not talking gecko, jumped from the sofa and began hitailing it across the living room floor with me in quick pursuit.  This fellow is not a cute little green thing. He is a minature crocodile - and he jumps like a frog amid his rapid scurry.  I tried to get to the patio door ahead of him to open it and encourage him to leave. Unfortunately he dashed to the cabinet that houses the tv and all the papers etc that I need to sort and put into my new desk. He disappeared onto a shelf where I had Jenn and Ry's photos I carry with me everywhere. Ha! Armed with cockroach spray (that I killed the snake with) I sprayed furiously around the photographs and then waited.  Bravely I removed both photos only to discover that he had vacated that territory and God only knows where the heck he is now.  I whined about this to a colleague who said 'maybe it is one of those monitor lizards'. Good grief, it better not be. Take a look at a google of monitor lizards and you will understand why I say this. Those critters are frequently on my roads to work and they are about 8 feet long. So, now that I have a real desk to house the unsightly papers that need to accumulate in all good households, I am hesitent to reach into those sheves to sort them, for fear of meeting Monty. (thought that was a good name for some critter that could be a monitor lizard).
As for the sofa, desk, and chair, I created these in my mind. I wanted wicker and tropical design and that is exactly what they are.  I must have created Monty in my mind too, because I really beleive if you create it in your mind, you will have it in your reality.  Drat, I gotta learn how to get my focus off lizards, snakes and the like.  And of course, I have sprinkled berlereng (Malay for sulphur) all around my home, so the flippin' lizard is now corralled into my house, instead of out of my house. Ah, the correct spelling of a Chinese medicine shop is Seng Seh, and I spelled it in a previous post like it sounded.
Now time to don my duds and find a way to work.

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