VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 2, 2011


This place is incredible.  It is exactly how I would picture a tropical hotel for the wealthy.  We wandered all over the property because John could not recall the location of the bar made famous for its Singapore Slings.  We knew we would be paying a high price for the honour of drinking one of these but decided it was something we needed to do. 

Singapore Raffles Hotel.jpg         These are a few views of the hotel that touts itself as the most famous hotel in the world. It has gone through a number of changes, one being a a prisoner of war camp at the end of WWII. Interesting place for prisoners of war huh?  It went into receivership at one point and now is a flourishing luxury hotel in the heart of Singapore.  The famous Singapore Sling was invented by a bartender by the name of Ngiam Tong Boon while working in the Long Bar sometime before 1915.It is clearly a tourist attraction because everyone that we saw there was sipping on the famous drink.  We met a girl from Autralia who ended up joining us on the remainder of our evening before heading back to Malaysia.  You drop 30 SGD for these sips, and frankly, only once. They taste like Kool Ade that is too concentrated.  We were forced to purchase gin and tonic to water down the syrupy concoction.  So after leaving behind over 50 SGD each, we experienced a lovely grand hotel and some class that we had been missing in our new home towns. You need to understand that 50 SGD are almost as debilitating as CAD.  Our sad little RM's convert to SGD almost 2.5 to 1.  So in Malaysian currency, we were paying about RM120 for this indulgence.  The best part of our journey was taking in a downtown that reminded us of home. There were sidewalks to walk on, intersections with pedestrian lights, shops and restaurants that served international fare, spotlessly clean streets, and rich Asian culture preserved in the mixture. Levi will be receiving a post card from Nana. Finally I found a post card to send someone, and a post office to send it from. Sorry everyone else, I did not have addresses with me as I am so conditioned to not finding post cards anywhere.

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