VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gordon, Monty,family, and friends

You may see a pattern here. I seem to be obsessed with reptiles. Why? Well today at one of my schools after our meeting, the teacher advised that there was a snake behind me. We vacated the room and a workman came in armed with a stick and a broom sort of thing. I did not stick around to see the outcome. Today, on my return to the house I decided it was time to clean out the clutter of papers around my computer desk now that I have a real desk for that sort of stuff. I pulled the little computer desk from the wall when I got to the final stages of papers strewn about, there in the centre was a Gordon look alike.  He didnt scurry like Gordon, but rather fluttered.  I got my outdoor voice tuned in and shreiked at him and chased him around the living room, all the time trying to get the patio door open to shoo him out.  It was actually fairly simple because he was a goof and kept thinking he was hiding from me by squeezing under the arch of one of my shoes, under the bar of one of my lawn chairs, and then ultimately toward my small piece of luggage (still open in my living room from my Thailand trip last week). No way was he going in there, so I flung the bag across the room, and grabbed a broom, swishing him acurately into the air and out the door. Now I feel bad. He seemed to be a special needs fellow. Maybe arthritic or disabled in some way. He really did not dash about like the others. Or maybe he was a she, because I would say 'rotund' comes to mind when describing his/her girth. Not that girls are chubby, but perhaps 'she' was with child(ren). Well, I am over that now, as long as I dont find a corpse outside my patio door in the morning. I am not gonna look tonight.
I am staying home this weekend, so I will definitely get more Thailand pictures on the site. Ryan gave me a map of the island, which I have hung on the wall with some carpet tape - my living room art.

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