VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Adeella Rocks!

Who is Adeella? Why does she rock?

In my mind, a teacher is someone who has passion for helping others learn, loves learning themself, and has patience in the process.  This describes Adeella. But she is not a teacher; she is a teacher assistant in the preschool class where I mentor the teacher.  I mentor, co teach and deliver professional development workshops to the teachers I work with. They are required to attend all of these. Adeella is not required – but she has requested to be included in the professional development sessions, and has never missed one.  Her background however, is a degree in computer science. Now, with this information and if you know me, you will understand why Adeella rocks! 

I find the bureaucracy of my job enough to drive me crazy. I have reports to write, reports to upload, and then monthly logs to write and report to various government officials. I understand the need, but don’t like it any better. I figured out how to write these logs on a spread sheet, but could not figure out how to merge several spread sheets into one. I asked Jennifer, but she being the mother of two little people has barely enough time to breathe in a day. She tried to tell me on the phone, but I am a learner that needs all senses stimulated if I am going to learn anything. And the phone does not do that.

So now to the point. Adeella, the computer genius helped me today. She reminded that her background is computer science. I assured her that her understanding of software is far beyond my own and I was confident she could help. And help she did. And being the great teacher, she patiently did the steps, allowing me to watch and write myself notes, and then let me try it myself.  It is rather odd that we the great mentors have no understanding of how to do this. I have checked with all colleagues and none can do it. I now have the golden key to the spread sheet maze we all dread every month.

Yes, Adeella rocks indeed!

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