VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, August 8, 2011

Yikes what a downpour

We had our professional development program this afternoon at my base school. Then, out of nowhere, the wind came up, and the rain drove into the classroom. Lightning and thunder were erupting all around us. What a nasty thing to walk through going to my car. Nice leather shoes - but I finally decided that my linen dress was soaked, so my shoes might as well be too. Good grief, the water was up to half way to my knees.  And what a lovely drive home. Soaked to the skin, sitting in air con on high. That is the only way to clear the windows in in rain here.  I have to report - the locals behaved themselves on the road. They appointed me leader, and I drove us safely to the highway.  I hate that position, but what can one do, when no one will pass.  Guess that was the bright spot to the day. Home now, trying to figure out how to dry my shoes without them turning into mould. I wonder why no one bothers to sell shoe and leather protector here? Odd, isn't it.

That last statement reminds me of what I was teaching them today. Tag questions. You probably don't recall what a tag question is - you just use them and know how to use them. Try to explain to an ESL student that English speakers ask a question they already are pretty sure they have the answer. Then, they go ahead anyway and ask it.  Very important to teach this to them - otherwise, we get wrong answers to questions because they only focus on the statement - not the question.  It was fun. I hope they thought so as well.

And that is about all I have to say today. G'nite

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