VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, August 19, 2011

Laughing Cow et al

I am thinking I am getting an idea of why all the tooth decay in this part of the world. At least part of the answer. There is no food here that actually requires any chewing. How I long for a rib eye steak to sink my teeth into. This the probably the most difficult adjustment in this country - the lack of meat, the lack of food that requires much chewing. Maybe a jaunt to Singapore would relieve this craving. Chicken is about all that is really available in the protein department - I would not buy the beef here as it tends to be a chunk of flesh on a wooden block - where they will hack off a chunk from that for you to take home. In JB there is some Australian beef, but it looks kinda nasty.  For now, I have found some organic celery in JB and hide it in my fridge from others. 

I cannot believe I am admitting this, but here is my lunch for today.
spam, laughing cow, & celery

I actually found some spam 'light' - not sure if it was from anorexic pigs or somehow modified for me, but the crunch of the celery was delightful!

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