VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I am backing up

I have decided that I will move backwards this year. I spent the last year thinking I was 62 and only recently discovered that I am only 61. What a nasty time to learn that one. Because now I really am 62. So, I have decided to be 61 this year to reclaim the age I missed out on. I think you can do that when you are my age. Besides, this evening I was acting like 16.  Emma was texting me with messages about plans for tomorrow. We were like a couple of kids – planning and plotting. She has decided we should wear make-up and get dressed up. I told her I would try – but would have to find my make-up first. She even wanted to get our hair cut together – but I won’t be finished work in enough time to do that. All this flying back and forth in texts. Apparently there are great plans ahead for the evening – and I am going to be sad when it is over. She and Travis are leaving for the west coast on Saturday.  I was so lucky to have them so near as we all became like family as we became familiar with Malaysia. Remember – she is the one that found apple sauce for me when I was in the hospital. Now I know why we clicked so well. Emma is so much like Jennifer – mature beyond her years, taking over when someone needs to lead, but always full of fun too. Travis is just like Ryan – a great sense of humour, and that winning smile just like Ry. Just like Ry, he doesn’t fill space with a bunch of useless words, but when he does talk it is always worth listening to.  So, looks like I am going to be not living near my kids once again. Only this time the kids are my surrogate kids.

I am not completely sure what the evening plans are – but I think it will be low key. We all begin a week-long vacation so many have left already today, and others will be heading off somewhere in the afternoon. I am looking forward to a week of relaxing and maybe finishing a book I never have time to read. And I think it is time to get my hair cut. I cannot believe I have allowed it to straggle to the extent that it is. I have been here 7 months and have really let it get quite ratty. But fearing no ponytail, I don’t get it cut.

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