VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, August 19, 2011

I Survived

This past week was frantic, long, and more hectic than most. But it is over, and I am home, with the gate locked, rain drenching the plants that I put on my patio by the gate, and my feet up on a stool. A good ending to a good week. I managed to find ocean prawns today. Not sure what they will be like, but I am willing to try them. One of my teachers in the most rural school is going to take me to the fisherman next Friday to pick up one kilo of the lovelies.  Yummy!  I am wondering how to tell them I need the heads off. I will get to that bridge when it is time. Also found a person to make me my new baju kurung. That is the style of dress worn here. I need an expert - I spent all my money on some silk and I do not want something badly sewn. I found him when I was looking for a postal office out in the nowhereland. He has a sewing school - where I saw a bunch of sewing machines and went in to enquire. He will sew the outfit so I have no doubt that it will be perfect.  But of course, he could not measure me - Muslim rules. So I had to be taken to his home (by his assistant) to have his wife measure me. I just might have my new outfit and prawns on my birthday. What a treat!

For now, a refreshing shower and maybe just a wee g & t would hit the spot.

Although Em and Trav are leaving, they are leaving behind their huge bamboo tree in my care. I can talk to the tree and know that they are not far away from hearing range. Not sure how this thing will make it to my house, but that will happen somehow, like everything else.

Now for that shower and other treat.

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