VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, August 5, 2011

How Much Do I Miss Western Culture?

 I think maybe more than I realize.  I stopped into KFC for my coleslaw fix - with a pepsi on the side. There before me were two women from a western culture, dining on rice and something. I stared at them just as others stare at me. I finally went over and introduced myself and asked if they lived here or were travelling. I was actually hoping they were new residents of KT to be friends with me here. Not so.  They are  teachers - in Taiwan, on a cycling trip.  So we had a lovely chat, it was wonderful talking with someone that was from North America.  Anyway, before long I seemed to offer my house and beds for them. I am not sure they will take me up on it.  I said I would let them talk it over and decide after I left.  I gave them my address, a map, and my phone number.
Beds were offered because they were in K.T. heading to Mersing, which is considerable distance from here. They asked if there were any good hotels along the route. That is when I broke into my evil laugh. Might have put them off with that laugh. Plus the fact that I said I would be home for the evening because I have to go home to take my meds. (meds as in antihistimines for the allergies - but they could interpret them as all sorts of meds - ha ha) To give them an idea of what is between KT and Mersing I explained that I live in KT because there is nothing between KT and Mersing - including gas stations. I would have to live in the school if I didn't live here. I strongly urged them to stay in KT because it was too late in the day to get to Mersing before night.  They also did not know that the highways are as they are. They only travelled on the double lane freeway from JB and do not know what is in store for them the rest of the way.
So, I better run the vacuum and check the bathrooms in case I have company.
Jeepers, I wish this blog had spellcheck. I am too lazy to read my posts and when I upload them I see all sorts of errors that sometimes I go back and fix and other times NOT.

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