VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Canadian Christmas?

As I sit at the computer gnawing on some semblance of italian sausage, cream cheese in a bag, and homemade salsa - all neatly stuffed into celery sticks, I browse the web for the elusive deals for flights home. There seem to be tons of them, but whenever I get close to clicking on one the internet shuts down. This will have to be a Rosemerah venture over a roti pisang with an iced cap chaser.  And of course - free wifi.

I have a week off next week so I can do my scouting then.  I have been invited to Hari Rayas all over the place - I guess I will have to show my face at a few of them next week. But I long to lounge around and do not much of anything. One of my head masters has invited me to his home, so I guess that will be one I will go to. It is also near to my new school cluster (once I get replaced where I am).

Much like Christmas cards, Hari Raya cards are floating around the countryside. What will even knock your socks off is fruitcake is also in abundance Seems like every country in the world tries to get rid of the stuff and uses a special occasion to do so. I have to admit that I actually like the stuff. I have been seen spreading this cream cheese from a bag onto a slice or two in the past.

If anyone wants to feed me when I am back in Canada I have only one request NO CHICKEN PLEASE. Other than that, if you have been a faithful reader here, you will know that very simple fare, in fact fare you have probably never considered will please my palate immensely. A tanquary gin would probably be a good idea too. Martinis here are whatever clear fluid - Malaysian gin or Malaysian vodka = martini. dont even need an olive

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