VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, August 13, 2011

bought batik

I took Emma out to my schools to give her a feel of what her new location driving will be like. She has a new respect for the driving I have been doing but did enjoy the scenery too. It is breathtaking - when you have a chance to look at it. But when driving out there, one tends to require all their attention on the road, anticipation of crazy moves by other drivers, and constant scanning for various wild life. But we got there and back and both managed to pick up some beautiful batik for our homes. We decided we needed some art and Maimunah, my batik artist was the answer. Maimunah was so thrilled that I brought another buyer to her studio that she offered me one of her creations as a gift. I convinced her to sign it, explaining this is art, and her name needs to be displayed as much as her art. Emma got into the mood, and was asking for art that was not for sale, and before you know it, the two of us were taking home several pieces of art, plus we ordered another together to have duplicated so we both can have a beautiful silk wall hanging that we can always look at and recall the time we spent together in Malaysia. We took our 'finds' into a local framer. I will pick them up this morning and deliver Emma's to her this afternoon on my larder run to JB. Here is one that I brought home yesterday. I love the colours and simplicity of the piece. I hung it with some cup hooks that were on the wall, and then taped the top of it to the wall. Hope you like it too.
I could not get rid of the glare at the bottom of the picture, but this gives you an idea of the work she does. I love the leaves and I love the colours. You can see I am not a gifted photographer. Maybe that will come when I take the time to try some tricks with the camera. For now, you get my efforts as they are.

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