VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Yesterday while tutoring my mentees at a school in using a wiki, I found an e-mail from my daughter. No message - just a subject line "can you call my cell?"

Not exactly the kind of message one wants to read; but luckily I have Skype minutes and had enough internet to make the call.

What I found was better than I had envisioned in my mind. Maybe not better than she wanted; but better than I had created with my imagination.

With her mother AWOL at the equator, her husband AWOL in Europe; two children managed to be ill enough to drag her weary butt to the hospital to see what was the matter.  I somehow found this message only 4 minutes after delivery; called her, and discovered that #1 child was diagnosed and prescribed, and #2 child was supposed to give a urine specimen in a cup. She is only 10 months old.  With the threat of a catheter, I told her to ask the hospital for popsicles. Not exactly nutrition or medication, but a great way to get a liquid into a baby and then wait for the liquid to travel out again. It worked.

After a message in my inbox accounting the day and the next morning I felt relieved that all was coming back to normal. A smile on my face makes me remember that mother's words 'two children are no more trouble than one - you just set the yardstick lower'. At times like this, not sure that philosophy really hits the mark.

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