VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dinner delivery in K.T.

I am getting very spoiled. Today, my neighbour, Katherine, who is the eldest daughter of my very kind friend was again dispatched to come call through my gate with another plate of fine food.  I scurried to the gate  to see what was for dinner.  I saw asparagus peeking out, yummy! And then not sure what the rest was I quickly asked "is it curried veggies"?  No, was the reply - but just the same very tasty.  Then I spied another vessel of something kind of orange peeking through the opaque package. Is that curried veggies I again asked. Again, no, it is pineapple.  She patiently watched me accept the news that there were no curried vegetables tonight - now two nights in a row!And they all know how much I loved the first experience of this treat.  Katherine explained to me that her mother told her to tell me 'curry is not good for you in this hot climate to eat every day, you must eat it sparingly'.  Well, thought I, what about the Indians and Malays here? They eat it every day.  But not to question a wise fabulous cook and food carrier, I accepted my parcels and took myself back indoors out of the mosquito zone.  Oh, the food was again fabulous.  Here is a photo  I took to show you how I dine here.
The little discs on the left are some kind of veggie burger things that taste wonderful. So with the baguette I just purchased, I loaded the tomatoes and burger things on top and made sandwiches. Yummy!

I have still not found a way to pay her for this. She will not accept any money - says she does it because she is my friend.  So, as her friend I need to find a way to give to her.  I am going to ask Katherine if they have a microwave. If not, I guess this friend will appear with one.  A small price to pay for food service like this.  I am going to have to look into this kind of service back home. Jenn - are you available in 2013?

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