VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Internet is slothish tonight, so lets see what happens

I stalk my son's Skype and what did I see today?  On Surface!. Yay.

We had a chat and I feel better. It does not take much to placate this old bird. Lucky Levi gets Uncle Dude at his birthday party celebrating 4 years.  I wish I was there, but in spirit I am.

Also had a lovely visit with my neighbour and her children.  Her daughter told me that she loves the music I play in the afternoons. I play Vivaldi's 4 Seasons at a rather large volume.  The entire complex can hear it. Now I am happy to know who will get the ghetto blaster I bought here with the CD I had to find only in Canada.  What Canuck mother would not be doing cartwheels if her 15 year old daughter loved listening to Vivaldi?  I must admit I was one of those 15 year olds, and my own mother thought I was daft.  But I think most would be ecstatic.

Dining on chicken brown rice, cabbage and heavenly Korean mushrooms.  I am concerned. I actually like this meal.  Had a second helping. And topped off with some seaweed salad complements of Yeet.

Bon Apetit and Bon Soir, shortly.

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