VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, February 6, 2012

dining and travels

Meeting Karen at Cold Storage, it was fun to watch her enthusiasm of finding all the Western foods that I remember fondling lovingly for my first trip there.  She wanted everything, just as I did on my first trip.  Settling on a cartful of treats, we then stopped in at a local coffee shop for our frozen coffee treat and took turns having ice cream headaches as we slurped them far too quickly.  Now, with cars in different areas of the parkade (car park here) we tried to figure out a plan as to how to get to our friends place. Driving here is not an easy feat.  You cannot get across a main thoroughfare because there are not through intersections in most places. That is what we needed to do, but worse yet, her parkade exit took her out somewhere completely different than my own.  Trying to describe where we were was not an option. There are very few street signs, and when there is one, you have to drive past it fairly quickly, and then try to read what it says (they are in Arabic, English, Chinese, and Malay - never in the same order). Somehow, after phone calls to each other, we both ended up at a correct spot across the main road, and tackled the rest of the trip separately. Ending up at our destination at the same time, I took the driveway to the condo entrance.  Perched on a cliff, with cars buzzing past my tailend, I waited patiently for nothing.  Seems I was at the wrong entrance.  No way out, as a curve on the road was behind me, and cars travelling at lightening speed came around that curve. I finally took the chance, and backed out of the perch, flew up the road, did a u-turn, and joined Karen.  All the while, our host was up in his condo; laughing at what I had managed to get myself into.  The gates opened - at the correct side of the building, and in we went.

We all managed to fill our bellies amply with Chez Papa's find foods.  For some odd reason, three of us chose steaks.  Not that the French are noted for their ability to prepare a grilled steak; but they seemed to dominate the menu choices. Mine was fine. Not a Canadian version of a backyard grilled one. But fine just the same. Then, back to friends for overnight. We had planned a scrabble match, but everyone was too full of food and tired too. Early morning rising, and off to Singapore. Our hostess bravely took the opportunity to try her skills at driving to Singapore. None of us are allowed to take our cars out of the country, but she does not have the same rules. We amused the first border guard when he asked the purpose of our trip. We had assumed he would think; 'four old broads going shopping for the day', and that is exactly what he was thinking. And he was right.

I wisely took my MRT card (rapid transit) that I bought on my first trip down there.  The others were not willing to part with that much cash (a mere SD10) to top it up, so they opted to buy a day card.  Not a good choice; they were constantly at the machines buying a new ticket each time we used the transit. I breezed through with my pass, and still have lots of credit on the card.

I was the only one with a Singapore phone, so that was a useless feature. We ended up staying together in a clump; otherwise we would never find each other to return to the car.  Not a good plan; we had a to shop for whatever the first person to claim the route was looking for. Turned out; everyone shopped for things I have bought on previous trips; so we returned to all the haunts I was at before.  Deduction from that journey was: Shop in pairs; it is easier to keep track of each other; and everyone take a Singapore phone! That whole excursion ended about 4:30, and then back to host and hostess condo for evening at pub and next morning watching some natives stick spears into various parts of their bodies without causing wounds and punctures. I took the opportunity to bid my farewell and got back on the road to Kota Tinggi.

Glad I made that choice. I was dragging my butt when I finally got home to my castle in the countryside.  Stopping in at Jusco on the way; I picked up a few eats, and tossed together a salad (now that is a treat here!) and the every present chicken from the deli and settled into the sofa for a bit of TV. In bed by 9, and now up with the roosters and dogs roaming about, I am happy to know that I can stay home and get a report of the native spear entertainers from others.

What did I buy in Singapore? More minutes on my phone sim card.  Big spender huh? But for your amusement; one of the gaggle of women had been to Canada over Christmas and she found something called an Ahh Bra on the shopping channel. She actually bought some and loves them. We all want them, but cannot get them here. I saw some ad on Singapore channel for Belvia bra - available exclusively at 7-11 and Guardian pharmacy.  Can you imagine 4 women going into 7-11's in Singapore and asking for a bra? Where is the fitting room in a 7-11? They thought we were daft! Finally, in the last shopping centre we were hanging out it, we found a Guardian and asked the question again. This time, we found a clerk who actually knew what we were talking about.By that time, my buddies were beginning to think I made the who ad up in my head.  Anyway, she began to pull back her blouse to show us her Belvia bra, and then 'felt up' our friend who was wearing her Ahh bra, advising her she had bought the wrong size.  After all this; she tells us they are 'finish, finish'.  Meaning, they are sold out and awaiting more delivery. Taking my e-mail address; she will contact when there are more, and I will alert the others - another shopping trip to Singapore is in the near future. Perhaps.

I think I will see if anyone is working today - and get myself a massage. Oh yes, I found CLAMATO juice at Cold Storage, so you know what I will have after my possible massage.

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