VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Skeeters Abound

Just when I was thinking  that I have managed to build up a defence against the little nasties - mosquitoes, I stepped out of my house last night to receive my Xiao Bai Cai and fresh mangos from my generous neighbour, and in the few minutes this took, I came back into the house with a dozen or more mosquito bites.  Looks like they actually have a season here, just like back home.  The nasty thing about them here is that they are so tiny, you cannot see them in swarms as you do at home. You cannot see them land on you; I think they just flit past and take a nip on the way, because my right arm and both legs are covered with bites this morning. grrr.

Although there are always reports from Singapore that Dengue Season is all seasons, I think that there are peaks during the year, and we are now in that peak.  Not soon to forget last February and March when I first arrived and looked like I had a serious case of small pox which evolved into a hospitalization for Dengue Fever; I will be sure to spray and repel the little guys this year.  I have not had more than a few little bites when my spray wears off and one manages to take a nip during this past year. But again, like last year, I can see my reactions to them plus their numbers increasing.  Guess this is something to take note if you plan to visit me.  Don't come in February or March if you tend to get mosquito bites. As for those of you who don't seem to react to the bites it is probably because of the research that has been reported here.  Seems that genetics plays a big role in that.  It is not that some people react more strongly to the bites, it is that some people don't get bitten at all.  While the others, such as myself, become the banquet table for dengue ridden bugs around here, and West Nile Virus ones back home, others do not get bitten.  Wearing scents and perfumes does not affect their appetite. Who you are does. Sure glad I now have screens between them and me.  I wonder which category my soon to arrive guests fit into?

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