from the last few days in Canada and forward, you can join me in my thoughts and actions as I learn how to live in a country that I had not even known the exact location until Ryan was there a few years ago. Some days I have rants and other days I have adventures, but every day is a learning experience that I embrace and thank God I was given the opportunity to know and to be. I might even upload a picture of me in this place I now call home – for now.

VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day
Sunday, September 29, 2013
City forest - a tree house?
Still not in synch with the time zone, I slept, the family went for a hike. Here is what a tree looks like in this part of the world. Like a secret playhouse for children....

Thursday, September 26, 2013
The Stubble Jumper Goes Home
It took a while, but the title now fits. I begin the journey today. My kind driver picked me up early as he said traffic can be an issue. There was no way I wanted to miss the flight, so unfortunately, we got here quicker than expected, and now I sit and wait. Doesn't matter. I am going home. With an oversized watch face so the old peepers can see what time it is, I think about what it will be like to be cool instead of sweaty every day. The time displayed on my watch is something that has not occurred yet for my family that is waiting for me. Myself - I get to live it again tomorrow.
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this is how a Stubble Jumper looks when she knows she is going home |
Tomorrow, for me, will last for 2 days. I dont care. On the second tomorrow, I will be home. I can hardly wait. Now lets see if my national carrier can be at least sort of nice.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
2 days and then home
I cannot believe it. It has been such a long time coming, and now, a matter of hours - not days before I begin the trek home. I have enjoyed the stay in a hotel. That is a big step for me, I normally dislike hotels. But this one is so spacious, quiet, and conducive to relaxation. All the ingredients that I needed. It is amusing with all the food and beverage staff here. They seem to be in a big competition for employee of the month, so they fall all over themselves trying to be the best employee. They are almost annoying with the cards for me to fill in on their behalf. The first one who was brave enough to bring his card to me must have told the others because the come to me with their card every time I go to any of the lounges or food outlets. The head chef brought me a plate full of cheesecakes slices when I told him I enjoy cheesecake. I could not possibly eat it all, so they packed it up and sent it to my room. Good thing I am wearing yoga pants home - I dont think anything else would fit if I actually consume that package of treats.
Tomorrow is repacking day, lining up the bags, and getting to bed early so I can dream about reuniting with my family. I was a lucky lady to have so many visits from Ryan while I lived here. Right until the end of my residency here; he even managed to see me in Singapore just before I left K.T. I cant get more attention than that.
As for television here - thank God I did not live here for three years. No Singapore means pure local viewing and a bit of the stuff that cable channels dump on subscribers. Glad also that I dont count on television for a diversion. I did find a BBC news channel, but that gets kind of depressing watching news about storm systems, terrorists, and anything else newscasters thing we want to see.
Now as it is almost 9:30, I really should prepare for bed. It's late for a vacation lady.
Tomorrow is repacking day, lining up the bags, and getting to bed early so I can dream about reuniting with my family. I was a lucky lady to have so many visits from Ryan while I lived here. Right until the end of my residency here; he even managed to see me in Singapore just before I left K.T. I cant get more attention than that.
As for television here - thank God I did not live here for three years. No Singapore means pure local viewing and a bit of the stuff that cable channels dump on subscribers. Glad also that I dont count on television for a diversion. I did find a BBC news channel, but that gets kind of depressing watching news about storm systems, terrorists, and anything else newscasters thing we want to see.
Now as it is almost 9:30, I really should prepare for bed. It's late for a vacation lady.
36 hours until the next journey begins
Monday, September 23, 2013
exiting the country
I had my meeting for all the paperwork for exiting the country. Somehow they wanted me to sign a document that stated that I had been paid all monies owed me. I was not. I did not. But to make them quit sweating, I did change the document, initialed it, and had them to the same. I altered it to I have been asked to sign this document agreeing that I have been paid all monies owed me, but since I have not been paid that sum, I will indicate that fact here, and look forward to a speedy change in the status of that payment.
One of the payments was in my bank account in the form of a cash deposit before I returned to my hotel. I am sure the other will be there shortly. And my new found taxi driver/chauffeur escorted me to the meeting.
All in all a fairly productive day. So celebrated with a
One of the payments was in my bank account in the form of a cash deposit before I returned to my hotel. I am sure the other will be there shortly. And my new found taxi driver/chauffeur escorted me to the meeting.
All in all a fairly productive day. So celebrated with a

Sunday, September 22, 2013
becoming human again

It looks like I will not be able to get together with my buddy from work before he leaves. But internet is on our side - so we will just have to figure out a time of day to compromise and chat across the ethers.
As for the clowns we worked for - good luck to them. Whatever one gives to another, they get back probably 10 times over. I am thinking I would not want to be wearing their shoes right now.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
12 Hours of Sleep Makes a Difference
I got to my hotel. I had to wait for my room, as they had not quite finished cleaning it by the time I arrived. Fed rosewater drinks garnished with orchids, I was tempted to eat the orchids, as I had not eaten for a few days due to the frantic pace I was keeping. I restrained myself, and knew I could wait until dinner to nosh. None of the restaurants began service until 6 30, so I returned to the bar where I was given rosewater drinks and had a plate of curly fries and a martini. Ready to send that martini back, I decided in fairness, I needed to take a sip. It was a cloudy amber colour and I knew I would not like it. Darn. It was good. Gin with cinzano apparently. I should have known - over here food and beverage seems to require copious amounts of sugar in order to be consumed.Maybe it was good because I have not had a drink of anything except water or tea for several months. Maybe it was good because I was running on a very low battery. In any case, it was good and went well with the accompaniment of curly fries. Deciding that was enough sustinance, I went back to my room, and fell into bed at about 5 30 and was lights out by 6 30, so no dinner. I should have eaten the orchids. Now 6 am and I think I will survive. Twelve hours of sleep tends to do that. There was a fabulous Chinese wedding outdoors last night which I could see from my room. So I guess I can say I have taken in weddings of all three cultures over here. Some woman belted out the most incredible bunch of songs - a voice like Adele - which did not affect m ability to fall asleep at all. I have no idea how long this went on, but now before dawn I peered out and all has been cleaned up and back to normal.
Friday, September 20, 2013
4 am and ready to roll
I will wait for sunrise and then head on the trail to Senai. My landlords showed up last night and were lovely, bearing gifts. The mother of the family arrived with her son, and passed an envelope to me. I thanked them and told them I enjoyed living here for the past three years. She spoke to her son in Mandarin. She wanted me to count the money. I said I trust you. She still wanted me to count. I did; she smiled broadly.
One last shower in the home that echoes again, and then figuring out how to get everything I need to take onto a discount airline to KL. I am sure there is a way - and sure also that ringgits are the language.
Wish me luck on this first leg of the journey. For now, a couple of photos from one of the school assemblies I attended this week. If you ever want to feel like a rockstar, just hang around a few kids.
One last shower in the home that echoes again, and then figuring out how to get everything I need to take onto a discount airline to KL. I am sure there is a way - and sure also that ringgits are the language.
Wish me luck on this first leg of the journey. For now, a couple of photos from one of the school assemblies I attended this week. If you ever want to feel like a rockstar, just hang around a few kids.
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I am the one that does not have black hair |
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I am so exhausted I could cry
Main floor done. Now stairs and upper floor bedroom and centre room to wash, and I quit. The house is almost bare. The house is 199% cleaner than when I arrived, and some furniture donations that spiff it up a bit too. I enjoyed the stay, but will enjoy home much more. For tomorrow I envision a 2 hour bath, a nap and then maybe another bath.
The tent has turned into some secret room. After I let the company know that my tax accountant here in KT was not please because my taxes were not paid according to the tax department, I was called immediately and told that they will pick me up from some hotel near KLIA and take me to some appointed meeting place. Still sounds very clandestine; but I guess once they knew I had an accountant and that he had talked with the tax man, things began to change. Maybe they will take me down some dark alley and beat me up..........
The tent has turned into some secret room. After I let the company know that my tax accountant here in KT was not please because my taxes were not paid according to the tax department, I was called immediately and told that they will pick me up from some hotel near KLIA and take me to some appointed meeting place. Still sounds very clandestine; but I guess once they knew I had an accountant and that he had talked with the tax man, things began to change. Maybe they will take me down some dark alley and beat me up..........
Almost Clean Almost Ready
Tomorrow should finish up the wiping any trace of my presence here. It better, I leave the next morning. Exhausted, I found a bag of pistachios on a shelf, and a small chocolate bar in the lizard fridge. That was dinner. Now to bed to be ready to hit the floors and patio and greet my bevy of landlords.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
One Reason I Can Hardly Wait to Get Home
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Children Enjoying English
If laughter is an indication of having fun, these year 2 students are definitely having fun learning English. Thanks to some teachers who played parts in a video that caused the laughter.
Canadian Humour and Reality
Eternal Life!
A guy is walking along a Vancouver beach when he comes
across a lamp partially buried in the sand. He picks up the lamp and gives it
a rub. A genie appears and tells him he has been granted one wish.
The guy thinks for a moment and says, "I want to live
"Sorry," says the genie, "I'm not allowed to
grant eternal life."
"OK, then, I want to die after the government balances the
budget ,eliminates the debt and abolishes the Senate.
crafty little bastard," says the genie.
3 more sleeps
I can do it. Not sure how, but I must. Work, move, pack, and post. But I can. I almost wish I was an alcoholic - that way I could just get drunk and let someone else pick up the pieces. But I am not, so I am the picker upper.
A Teary Adieu at a School
My special project school had me there to have a sing song with the students again - to say good bye. They were once again delightful, but started off as usual - very reserved. However, when we began with the John Lennon song Imagine, they came up to me in droves and each gave me a warm cosy hug. They made me feel like a rock star. My friend, Ms Wong took several pictures, so I will have fond memories of that day with them in September. The best part for me was hearing their voices join in for the words of Imagine. The room filled with the sounds of young voices echoing John Lennon's dream. That, I will miss.
Monday, September 16, 2013
4 More Sleeps
A ton of stuff to do, and only 4 more sleeps. I can. I have to. And then it is over for this chapter, and on to KL. And then home. Not much use for this blog after that, unless people want to know how I learn to be back in Canada - cutlery, drinking water, food, and all else. Another culture shock probably awaits me there.
For now, on the run - to a school, to the pos office, and back to char woman duties.
For now, on the run - to a school, to the pos office, and back to char woman duties.
I Can Do This
Like another Beatle song WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS.... I am getting on top of this moving. A dear teacher from the old group I mentored showed up with two of her children and a friend. She first spied a bin that I had and wanted it. I said she can have it for free if she goes to the kitchen and takes the food from the cupboard. We both won on that round, and then I gave her the cupboard. Her friend arrived and took my computer desk and chair, plus the two fold up comfy chairs in the living room. Washer, dining set, and book shelves are lined up on my patio for Friday pickup. I now have a chance to clean, instead of moving things from one place to another and back again. A huge weight off my shoulders, I might even take time to go out for a bite to eat tonight if I first get the entire main floor cleaned.
Funny, as I progress I also regress. No computer table, no fancy computer chair, nothing to sit on in the living room. But as I said - I will not give up a bed.
Funny, as I progress I also regress. No computer table, no fancy computer chair, nothing to sit on in the living room. But as I said - I will not give up a bed.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
A Few People Said 'where's the lake?'
Here are a couple of views of the lake I will be spending time at very soon. I think you will see why I am looking forward to that trip.
A lake on Vancouver Island
This view shows a few of the islands on the lake. Nothing like living on an island on an island! The other one shows a bigger perspective of how big the lake is.
My Living Room is Disassembled
Now I feel like I am on the move. One of my teacher's friends, who turns out to be a teacher at that school, came over today. She wanted my sofa. She saw a photo of it and was like myself - she loved it. That was enough for me to let her have it. It was something I really was drawn to when I bought it, and to know that someone else really loves it too, it belongs there. Then she spied my desk and chair that match. Hubby did not approve. I was also disappointed seeing the things have to be separated, so 'make me an offer and it is yours'. Offer made, and out it all went. The protective glass on the surface cost more than the offer but that is ok with me. As she was leaving she then saw my jati bench. I had tried every way to get it home with me, but not practical at all. She must be my sister because she too loved it. Sat on it, consulted with hubby again. No. Make me an offer. She did. She now owns it. But what a grand vacant spot in my home now. I can actually begin to clean. I have five days to get this place in order. I have 12 days before I kick my heels together and say 'take me home'.
BTW it's raining.
I quit early today. Drove myself to Kiki's place and had a wash and dry as my treat for all the hard work I have been doing. K.K. also dropped in, so gave me good directions to get to Senai on Saturday. It is harder leaving here than it was leaving home. When I left home I knew I would be back. Tears, yes, but different. These tears are deep, I know I will likely not be back, and they will very likely not come to see me. This is a final farewell to many. It hurts, especially when I see it evoke tears and strong hugs. Even Rosmerah gang said 'auntie, you must be back, do not go, is your home here now'. No, boys, it is not my home. It has been, but home is where the heart is, and my heart has returned to Canada. I did what I came here to do. I did make a change. With those who were willing to change. A successful clearing out day, an exhausting emotional day, an early evening because I deserve it. Maybe time to sit down with the iPad - on my bed, because there is no sofa any longer. And play a few games that will make me insane.
Back to the salt mines tomorrow. A day off from work for some holiday again, but no rest for this wench, more cleaning and clearing.
PS As I return it to the way it was when I moved in, my home echoes again. I have drawn a line. I refuse to sleep on the floor again like I did at the beginning.
BTW it's raining.
I quit early today. Drove myself to Kiki's place and had a wash and dry as my treat for all the hard work I have been doing. K.K. also dropped in, so gave me good directions to get to Senai on Saturday. It is harder leaving here than it was leaving home. When I left home I knew I would be back. Tears, yes, but different. These tears are deep, I know I will likely not be back, and they will very likely not come to see me. This is a final farewell to many. It hurts, especially when I see it evoke tears and strong hugs. Even Rosmerah gang said 'auntie, you must be back, do not go, is your home here now'. No, boys, it is not my home. It has been, but home is where the heart is, and my heart has returned to Canada. I did what I came here to do. I did make a change. With those who were willing to change. A successful clearing out day, an exhausting emotional day, an early evening because I deserve it. Maybe time to sit down with the iPad - on my bed, because there is no sofa any longer. And play a few games that will make me insane.
Back to the salt mines tomorrow. A day off from work for some holiday again, but no rest for this wench, more cleaning and clearing.
PS As I return it to the way it was when I moved in, my home echoes again. I have drawn a line. I refuse to sleep on the floor again like I did at the beginning.
Friday, September 13, 2013
It's Saturday. It's Raining. I wont miss this a bit
I was smart enough to get up early and pack a box - getting it to the pos office before mr. monsoon hit us again. I look out at my patio and beyond. The jungle raging to fight this vicious rain and wind. The thunder and lightning roaring and flashing like no other. I have lived in thunderstorm regions, but never did I have to deal with them on a daily basis year round. They are a novelty, a natural show to watch and be in awe. But you cannot watch them here. The rain is too heavy to see anything but a wall of rain. What will I not miss? Monsoons all year long with infrastructure that does not cater to the water accumulation. And a car that does not have a defog cycle on the air system that allows the mist that accumulates in the car from heavy rain - to disappear. Maybe I was supposed to stay here until I realized that what I had at home was pretty darn good. Maybe I had to go away from that to see what I could have, and end up setting my standards to that level. I choose to go home. This Kota Tinggi week will be the toughest of the journey. So many wonderful people who have become very good friends, and who I know will never come to Canada wait and watch as I say my good byes to them. Even Faizal at the first eatery where I managed to Skype with family early in 2011 said - no you will come back. It is silly, but this is actually more difficult than coming here. On that journey I knew I would be back. On this one, I am pretty confident I will not be back. Saying these farewells is final. I love how I have caused some boundaries to shift. My Chinese friends hug me, and (dont tell anyone) muslim men do too. (very quick) They say it is because they want me to feel comfortable with my own customs.
7 days to KL
13 days to Canada
Oh, Guess What? It's raining
I will be extremely delighted to not have to say that every day. But then heading back to BC, might also require that sentence for the next several months. But at least there, there is a break from the monotony of daily rain. We have seasons. I managed to drag a 17 kg box of trinkets to the pos office. This part of the world does not cater to those who choose to send things by mail. I had to haul that bloody big box up a set of 'uneven as usual' stairs. It is now on its journey to the lake where I will be residing back in Canada. I am sure I will get there before it does. Doesn't matter. It was things I need but not immediately. Now gathering the energy to pack a second box for shipping and take it tomorrow when it is hopefully not raining. I had my last bowl of Malaysia popcorn for lunch. I must have lost weight in this past few days from the sweating, swearing, and stashing I have been doing.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Moving Simplifies Life
It simplifies if we take the opportunity to pare down. I did. And hopefully will not build up again when I get home. Charity has a windfall. I have two bags to check on the airline. Life is good. In the next few days - clean everywhere, empty my kitchen fridge, and wait for those who want my things to arrive. And work.
What will I miss? So many beautiful people in Kota Tinggi, who welcomed me into their lives, their homes, their environment and shared it all with me. Today the little girl at the pos office broke down and cried when I told her the package was for me, not for my family. She said she loves when I come to her to send family packages. She does not want me to leave. When you come back? I am not. Then the tears started. When was the last time you moved and had the postal worker cry because you left? That is how this little place is. They love fully. Everyone.
What have I learned? Many things. Many things about myself. Many things about others I had never contemplated before. Although everything I attempt to do here causes enough frustration to grab for a bottle of tranquillizers, I have come to understand that in this part of the world the expectations of comforts are much lower than my own. Is that bad? Of course not. It just is, and while I am in this time zone and latitude it is my duty to buck up and adopt the same. I am not always gracious about that. I am sorry, Kota Tinggi for all the times I have lost patience. Terimah Kasih, Shay Shay, and Nanri for accepting me as I am.
What will I miss? So many beautiful people in Kota Tinggi, who welcomed me into their lives, their homes, their environment and shared it all with me. Today the little girl at the pos office broke down and cried when I told her the package was for me, not for my family. She said she loves when I come to her to send family packages. She does not want me to leave. When you come back? I am not. Then the tears started. When was the last time you moved and had the postal worker cry because you left? That is how this little place is. They love fully. Everyone.
What have I learned? Many things. Many things about myself. Many things about others I had never contemplated before. Although everything I attempt to do here causes enough frustration to grab for a bottle of tranquillizers, I have come to understand that in this part of the world the expectations of comforts are much lower than my own. Is that bad? Of course not. It just is, and while I am in this time zone and latitude it is my duty to buck up and adopt the same. I am not always gracious about that. I am sorry, Kota Tinggi for all the times I have lost patience. Terimah Kasih, Shay Shay, and Nanri for accepting me as I am.
17 days
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
You Need a Laugh I Need a Break
Went to pos office today to mail my batik art home to myself. I had planned on sending it to my Lake address as I wanted it to go cheap and long time travelling. Nope, not gonna work. I sorry miss, but too big. What? It weighs about 1, maybe 2 pounds. No. miss, it too big - long big. But can send pos laju. We do that, but first, must wrap plastic wrap around, lie dat. Please sell me some plastic wrap and dont tell me what it will cost right now to mail it pos laju. We dont have. Where might I get some? A few discussions produced - the stationery shop. I know where that is, so off I sped before she left for her break.
I need plastic packing wrap please for a parcel I am mailing. Looks like I have 10 heads were produced and no words spoken. Please, I need plastic wrap for mailing, I was told to come here. We do not have. Well do you have any kind of plastic wrap that is like food wrap but a bit heavier. No, we do not have, it finish. No, no, it never finish, you likely never had any. Please tell me where I can get it, because you dont seem to have any. You know - like the kind we see on the furniture we have delivered. OH, FRANNIE, WRONG PHRASE.
Ok, lah, you go to furniture shop. They have.
No they don't, that was just an example. Never mind. sell me this stuff -It appears to be sticky to itself kind. How much is here? There is no dimensions on the package. It is RM20. No, how much length? It does not say lah. I know that, DO YOU KNOW?
I BUY A ROLL and off I go back to pos office. I now have access to the back counter - where the plate glass door is locked. They let the white lady in because I spend enough for all of them to get a raise. Everyone greets me and giggles. Auntie is behind the counter. I asked them when I get paid - this Friday? Next week? they giggle again. Probably half have no idea what I just said.
Now down to work. We team up and figure out how to unstick the clear plastic from its backing and begin to apply it to the parcel that will be couriered to Canada. Finally mummified in plastic coating, my parcels are ready for travel. Turns out I never had to change from glass to plastic after all - pos laju mails just about anything - because they take all your money to do so. I paid the bill, I then asked - when can they expect this parcel in Canada? I look, just wait. Ok lah. Maybe 1 week. Maybe 2 week.
I smile. I leave. I will likely be home before my express courier parcel arrives after being padded with a very hefty fee for the speed - all because some little carrier person cannot lift a 4 foot long package in the regular mail department. I am leaving in 2 weeks. I should have just carried it onto an Air Canada flight and had my fights with my own kind.
I will be sure to post the art here once I hang it at home. Probably some time before Christmas should be a safe guess.
I need plastic packing wrap please for a parcel I am mailing. Looks like I have 10 heads were produced and no words spoken. Please, I need plastic wrap for mailing, I was told to come here. We do not have. Well do you have any kind of plastic wrap that is like food wrap but a bit heavier. No, we do not have, it finish. No, no, it never finish, you likely never had any. Please tell me where I can get it, because you dont seem to have any. You know - like the kind we see on the furniture we have delivered. OH, FRANNIE, WRONG PHRASE.
Ok, lah, you go to furniture shop. They have.
No they don't, that was just an example. Never mind. sell me this stuff -It appears to be sticky to itself kind. How much is here? There is no dimensions on the package. It is RM20. No, how much length? It does not say lah. I know that, DO YOU KNOW?
I BUY A ROLL and off I go back to pos office. I now have access to the back counter - where the plate glass door is locked. They let the white lady in because I spend enough for all of them to get a raise. Everyone greets me and giggles. Auntie is behind the counter. I asked them when I get paid - this Friday? Next week? they giggle again. Probably half have no idea what I just said.
Now down to work. We team up and figure out how to unstick the clear plastic from its backing and begin to apply it to the parcel that will be couriered to Canada. Finally mummified in plastic coating, my parcels are ready for travel. Turns out I never had to change from glass to plastic after all - pos laju mails just about anything - because they take all your money to do so. I paid the bill, I then asked - when can they expect this parcel in Canada? I look, just wait. Ok lah. Maybe 1 week. Maybe 2 week.
I smile. I leave. I will likely be home before my express courier parcel arrives after being padded with a very hefty fee for the speed - all because some little carrier person cannot lift a 4 foot long package in the regular mail department. I am leaving in 2 weeks. I should have just carried it onto an Air Canada flight and had my fights with my own kind.
I will be sure to post the art here once I hang it at home. Probably some time before Christmas should be a safe guess.
Woman? Man?
Gotta be a southern belle who wrote this one - 'bahaves'?
Not a description of me - since my life over 'here' I can compete with any truck driver's vocabulary - which I really need to clean up before I go home. Hence - I must be a man.
11 Days!
If you have been reading and yawning, it is soon over. Only 11 days left in my life in Kota Tinggi. The vacate is moved ahead one day. More stupidity with the company. What can I say. But in any case - 11 days. This week is turning into farewells everywhere. Even the restaurants I trust know I am on my way. They tell me I look not well. They tell me I look so tired. They are right on both accounts. And interestingly, they are some of the most difficult ones to say good bye to. I am not sure, but I dont think most people build a relationship with the restaurants they attend. My servers ask me to give my e-mail address. They want to stay in touch. Why? So we can plan the next time I drop in for a meal? But I give it. If these people show up in Canada I would be proud to show them my home. Just wear a jacket. These people graciously serve me and feed me foods I can tolerate, always with a smile and kind word.
Today I was clever. I went to the pos laju after work and bought a couple of boxes. My shoes and a few things need to go home and I dont want carrying heavy bags to and fro. The shoes can take the slow scenic route home and arrive after me. But boxes are a thing of 'great mystery' here. Pos Laju has boxes, but they are for Pos Laju. Those words mean something akin to Fed Ex, but Malaysian style. For that reason I am assuming the parcel arrives in its own good time, not at all, or is lifted by the locals. It also means a hefty price tag. I asked a ball park figure. One box, if filled to capacity would cost me RM1500 to send. That works out to $500CAD. No box of shoes is worth that. So, with a room full of customers I picked out one who looked like she spoke English. She did. After explaining what I wanted and several attempts at her trying it out on the clerk, I got my answer. I wanted to know if I could use the pos laju box but send snail mail. I can. I bought two. I will. But first have to pack the boxes.
My HM at the Chinese school where the library came to rest still has not written the letter for my own country tax office. I need something to cover the taxes I pay in two countries. I finally realized on my way to the school - she does not know what to write but cannot ask. Shoot, I should have just written the letter and taken it to her. But very wise this old bird is. I got there. I was right. No letter. I asked if I could use a computer. I did. I typed the letter, then found someone to show me where to print it. Oops, printer on the blink. But he was a good critical thinker. He transferred to his own flash drive, which needed to be cajoled and coddled in order to stay connected to that computer, then tried again. Ooops, still no print. He went around the various offices and found some printer that liked his flash drive and brought back the printed letter. Madam signed it. Now all I have to do is gather the courage to talk nicely to my scanner and get it scanned into my own computer. Please, please oh great scanner of Kota Tinggi, scan one more document for the white lady.
I was having very good luck with the car rental poobah until I pointed out that the person who is trying desperately to take as much money off me as she can, has a title at the car rental office and at the company where I work. I am guessing no one has ever pointed out that observation before. Shoot again. I should have kept my mouth shut. Not worth having them exposed and crawling back into their caves to save face. Shoot, will I never learn. It was fun to poke though. I will think of that incident as one more example of intercultural communications. Which brings me to my own learning halls. I need to set up the next set of course before I leave. No sense in changing my money to CAD and then using a visa to pay these guys in ringgits all to give the banks and cc companies extra bucks. But that nightmare of going to the bank, lining up like a bus depot, and getting fingerprinted to transfer funds to a university is more than I can face right now. Maybe this can wait until next week.
So, tomorrow is another school. Pos Laju, pos office, and whatever else falls in my lap. I did manage to collect the certificates (left behind) because of my school that did not attend the shindig. OMG. We left them (well technically I guess - I - left them) in the party room. We escaped quickly because the bloody rain was pelting down and thunder was rocking the building. No certificates in my hand. Probably a good thing. They would have been wood pulp again with that rain. I was sure they were gone forever. But my bud said no way - they will be exactly where you left them. They were. Amazing. I consider this one of the good features of those who do nada. It worked for me this time.
I think I will just show up at the JB car rental office - unannounced. That way, they cannot be prepared for me wielding bats, hammers, and clubs to trash and smash my car in order to justify it needing repairs while in my custody, because after all, in my custody means my responsibility for repairs no matter what the cause. Maybe that can be Friday's entertainment.
wish me luck
Today I was clever. I went to the pos laju after work and bought a couple of boxes. My shoes and a few things need to go home and I dont want carrying heavy bags to and fro. The shoes can take the slow scenic route home and arrive after me. But boxes are a thing of 'great mystery' here. Pos Laju has boxes, but they are for Pos Laju. Those words mean something akin to Fed Ex, but Malaysian style. For that reason I am assuming the parcel arrives in its own good time, not at all, or is lifted by the locals. It also means a hefty price tag. I asked a ball park figure. One box, if filled to capacity would cost me RM1500 to send. That works out to $500CAD. No box of shoes is worth that. So, with a room full of customers I picked out one who looked like she spoke English. She did. After explaining what I wanted and several attempts at her trying it out on the clerk, I got my answer. I wanted to know if I could use the pos laju box but send snail mail. I can. I bought two. I will. But first have to pack the boxes.
My HM at the Chinese school where the library came to rest still has not written the letter for my own country tax office. I need something to cover the taxes I pay in two countries. I finally realized on my way to the school - she does not know what to write but cannot ask. Shoot, I should have just written the letter and taken it to her. But very wise this old bird is. I got there. I was right. No letter. I asked if I could use a computer. I did. I typed the letter, then found someone to show me where to print it. Oops, printer on the blink. But he was a good critical thinker. He transferred to his own flash drive, which needed to be cajoled and coddled in order to stay connected to that computer, then tried again. Ooops, still no print. He went around the various offices and found some printer that liked his flash drive and brought back the printed letter. Madam signed it. Now all I have to do is gather the courage to talk nicely to my scanner and get it scanned into my own computer. Please, please oh great scanner of Kota Tinggi, scan one more document for the white lady.
I was having very good luck with the car rental poobah until I pointed out that the person who is trying desperately to take as much money off me as she can, has a title at the car rental office and at the company where I work. I am guessing no one has ever pointed out that observation before. Shoot again. I should have kept my mouth shut. Not worth having them exposed and crawling back into their caves to save face. Shoot, will I never learn. It was fun to poke though. I will think of that incident as one more example of intercultural communications. Which brings me to my own learning halls. I need to set up the next set of course before I leave. No sense in changing my money to CAD and then using a visa to pay these guys in ringgits all to give the banks and cc companies extra bucks. But that nightmare of going to the bank, lining up like a bus depot, and getting fingerprinted to transfer funds to a university is more than I can face right now. Maybe this can wait until next week.
So, tomorrow is another school. Pos Laju, pos office, and whatever else falls in my lap. I did manage to collect the certificates (left behind) because of my school that did not attend the shindig. OMG. We left them (well technically I guess - I - left them) in the party room. We escaped quickly because the bloody rain was pelting down and thunder was rocking the building. No certificates in my hand. Probably a good thing. They would have been wood pulp again with that rain. I was sure they were gone forever. But my bud said no way - they will be exactly where you left them. They were. Amazing. I consider this one of the good features of those who do nada. It worked for me this time.
I think I will just show up at the JB car rental office - unannounced. That way, they cannot be prepared for me wielding bats, hammers, and clubs to trash and smash my car in order to justify it needing repairs while in my custody, because after all, in my custody means my responsibility for repairs no matter what the cause. Maybe that can be Friday's entertainment.
wish me luck
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Bag Packed, but that is all.
I carefully weighed each little sack of clothing I hand picked to take home. I still have 6 KG space in that bag, but ran out of steam. The bedroom cleaned, and some laundry taken to the dobi, I congratulated myself with a thin crust pizza from Dominos. Oh please, I will return to my old ways and never cross the threshold of Dominos when I am home again. But better than chicken when you live here.
Someone is going to be well dressed once I get these things to the charity bin. But for now - pizza and grape juice. Bon Apetit
Someone is going to be well dressed once I get these things to the charity bin. But for now - pizza and grape juice. Bon Apetit
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Thank You to Friends Who Check In on Me
I got a message this morning from a friend who faithfully reads the blog and contacts me when she thinks I need a familiar word or encouragement. Today was such a day. I wrote back and then realized that I lean on more than allowing others to lean on me. I really should consider the fact that we all have our mountains to climb, and mine is no rockier than the next. Just mine.
Yesterday was a particularly tough day for me. So much crap hits the fan far too often here, too many idiots get away with stupidity, and one has to be on one's toes all the time. A new friend was very encouraging with me - she listened, she advised, she offered support, however I needed it.
Today's goal is to get the upstairs back to basics. Plus furniture and water heater I am donating. But the process is difficult. Especially when you couple it with eating. The Chinese restaurants only open up late at night here where I live. That I guess is because they are all busy working all day. So, taking a page from that, I guess I need to accept where I am right now in getting my life in order, and quit whining. Before I do that, here is the cause of the whining right now.
Yesterday was a particularly tough day for me. So much crap hits the fan far too often here, too many idiots get away with stupidity, and one has to be on one's toes all the time. A new friend was very encouraging with me - she listened, she advised, she offered support, however I needed it.
Today's goal is to get the upstairs back to basics. Plus furniture and water heater I am donating. But the process is difficult. Especially when you couple it with eating. The Chinese restaurants only open up late at night here where I live. That I guess is because they are all busy working all day. So, taking a page from that, I guess I need to accept where I am right now in getting my life in order, and quit whining. Before I do that, here is the cause of the whining right now.
Packing my other bag today. Anything
I wear from today forward will peel off and go in the trash. Right down to
undies. I like that! You can imagine what kind of wardrobe I will be
wearing that is trash barrel worthy.
I cried yesterday. Could not figure
out what to eat. Am grazing thru the fridge to clean out food and could not
face that again. Option in KT? KFC or McD. Or food poisoning in a food stall. I
realized any choice here is chicken. The Chinese restaurants open too late at night to wait. I cannot do another rare chicken So
I cried and ate popcorn at home.
I am ok today. I had an ice cream bar for breakfast. :)
Who I Mentor minus a few
We had our final professional development. My own mentees gathered for a photo op. Unfortunately one whole school did not show up and another mentee is on leave because she just had a baby. Other than that, here is who I work with on a regular basis.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Only 8 days to get it done
Things are looking up. The automated online banking only took 8 days, a loss of sanity, and a half dozen trips to the bank to be able to transfer funds in the convenience of my own home. I am almost sad to think that I have laid the groundwork for this accomplishment and now not in a position to enjoy it because I am leaving. I'll get over it.
i just read this thing. I get really annoyed with spellcheck. It constantly changes the word thing to think, but cant seem to comprehend when one writes other simple words and just leaves them wrong. arch
i just read this thing. I get really annoyed with spellcheck. It constantly changes the word thing to think, but cant seem to comprehend when one writes other simple words and just leaves them wrong. arch
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
signs that amused me
The Diver Has Gone Back to Work
from there to here, from here to there - funny signs are everywhere
Stealing a line from Dr. Seuss, here is a picture that I took in Singapore. even there, they lose in translation when they make a sign in English. Somehow, the wordy sign was trying to say ' Village Chicken Restaurant'
It is the blue banner. It states
kampong chicken eating house
Kampong means village, so is there a house in the village that eats chickens, or is there a house in the village where chickens eat? Neither - it is a place to eat chicken.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Certainly Piqued Interest in the Last Post
According to stats, the readers seemed to be interested in the corporate world post. About 100 from Malaysia were interested. I can only deduce that colleagues read and agreed, or company read and growled. Who cares? I state only the truth. And BTW, I did manage to get to all but one school yesterday to update this new task that I was sure was an impossible feat. Admittedly, in a slipshod manner; much like the request was made. But the info has been gathered, and today will be complete. Now I wonder what other task will be issued today - confirming something impossible. Maybe each teacher log will have to be accompanied by a special song we write and produce which depicts the qualities of that teacher. Yes, I am sure that could be impossible. What was enjoyable about the excursion yesterday? The fact that the H.M.'s of the schools completely understood my plight and smiled warmly at me and sent me on my way after a visit. Knowing fully well that what I was sent to do was another idiosyncrasy of the country bureaucracy.
As for the scammer auto leasers, I have a signed letter from the nice man who returned my car to me yesterday. His letter indicates that he can find no visible damage to the vehicle that would constitute the RM charges levied against me. Since my company has tossed us individually into the pit to duke it out with the car company, I intend to duke it with all I can muster. My buddy just had his car serviced yesterday and upon return discovered a deep scratch across the 'boot' that was not there when it was taken. Yes, they seem to want to repaint these cars - maybe the colours were unpleasant and need to be refreshed But not at our expense buddy! Now he has to get some letter from the leaser admitting that the scratch was their responsibility. Are you still laughing?
Another colleague is whining because she was out galavanting on Saturday night. Returning home around midnight (insane thing to do in this country) she was in a collision and has damage. Now the freaks are understanding what I tried very hard to disagree with 3 years ago (and all the others sat like deer in headlights accepting the crap). We were told that any collision causes us personally RM500 charges. She now has one of those and whines. Tuffers toots. The grasshoppers were not listening when the ant tried to argue this one 3 years ago. It seems to be common practice to bump someone over this way, in order to get your car spiffed up for another decade of driving. And God help you if you are in a collision with the scooter boys. It is always deemed your fault; and be sure; it is 98% usually not your fault.
As for the scammer auto leasers, I have a signed letter from the nice man who returned my car to me yesterday. His letter indicates that he can find no visible damage to the vehicle that would constitute the RM charges levied against me. Since my company has tossed us individually into the pit to duke it out with the car company, I intend to duke it with all I can muster. My buddy just had his car serviced yesterday and upon return discovered a deep scratch across the 'boot' that was not there when it was taken. Yes, they seem to want to repaint these cars - maybe the colours were unpleasant and need to be refreshed But not at our expense buddy! Now he has to get some letter from the leaser admitting that the scratch was their responsibility. Are you still laughing?
Another colleague is whining because she was out galavanting on Saturday night. Returning home around midnight (insane thing to do in this country) she was in a collision and has damage. Now the freaks are understanding what I tried very hard to disagree with 3 years ago (and all the others sat like deer in headlights accepting the crap). We were told that any collision causes us personally RM500 charges. She now has one of those and whines. Tuffers toots. The grasshoppers were not listening when the ant tried to argue this one 3 years ago. It seems to be common practice to bump someone over this way, in order to get your car spiffed up for another decade of driving. And God help you if you are in a collision with the scooter boys. It is always deemed your fault; and be sure; it is 98% usually not your fault.
22 days
Monday, September 2, 2013
I Said Jump in the Corporate World
The directions of the corporate world.
First task: jump
Second task: jump higher
Third task: jump over here
Fourth task: jump with this person
Fifth task: jump with your eyes closed near a cliff
oops, you lose. I didn't say 'simon says'
no bonus for you toots
First task: jump
Second task: jump higher
Third task: jump over here
Fourth task: jump with this person
Fifth task: jump with your eyes closed near a cliff
oops, you lose. I didn't say 'simon says'
no bonus for you toots
Sunday, September 1, 2013
21 Days of Kota Tinggi
Holy crow, only 21 days left. Yesterday could have been a nightmare, but if one looks at it from the outside, maybe more of a comedy. I could no longer stand my hair. It needed a cut very badly. Problem was, my expert cutter has been off work for 2 months. My friend who owns the shop is a dear, but she does not know my hair. The star cutter, Ann (who told me her name was Hoe) gets miffed whenever she has to repair Kiki's cuts. But this one takes the cake. I have a very short haircut today. She kept going shorter and shorter in order to deal with my springy hair. I now have some swoosh around my face, which she thinks is sexy looking, but a clear spring over my ears, culminating in something in the back that appears to be a bit of a bob. Egad. Good thing hair grows. But what I had hoped for was to go home with a perfect cut from Hoe - Ann, and have a hairdresser follow her pattern. Now I don't have that at all. And I do look pretty funny, which should give the teachers here a few good laughs as they reflect on Madam Frances years from now while looking at the final pictures of me. The Malay teachers will likely offer me a tudong to cover the cut.
Then I went in search of a tailor. A Head Mistress gave me fabric and I am trying hard to get it sewn into something because they want pictures next week and out to lunch together.Kiki told me that my gua sha lady also sews. Another friend told me that the next door neighbour of Chan also is a tailor. Off to Chan's. Chan said yes she sews. When I showed her the 1 Malaysia fabric and dress to copy she froze. No, no, but neighbour sews. Off we went to neighbour. Neighbour jabbered in Chinese to Chan. No no, cannot cannot. I finally get from Chan after much begging - why not? She does not want to because we cannot talk. That is the way over here. Unlike many other entrepreneurs in the world, these people will say they cannot or say don't have and be willing to lose a sale if the communication does not flow. I would say that is a very clear example of relationships before business. I could not convince her to try. Chan then says to me - go to tailor downtown. Where? She told me some obscure place which I think I know where, but they were closed yesterday. Now to tackle the journey this morning before I go to work. Yikes.
Kiki's husband brought a band of buddies and they cleared out my patio of all the plants. Shoot. I noticed after they left that they also took my planting shovel and clippers. I had planned on planting the curry leaf tree in the common property here but I am not going to use my hands to dig a hole. What I have left behind is a magnificent magenta bougainvillea, a majestic red hibiscus, and a stately red palm tree all growing happily in the outer garden. Having tried to grow these plants back home I discovered that any moron can grow them here.
Speaking of morons, I am holding the final TPD today. All mentees are to be given their certificates for working with me for the past three years. So who is the moron? The company I work for. I have postponed this even twice now due to the fact that the company either schedules something else, and/or does not have the certificates prepared. I think we are still at the not prepared stage, so we will have a party and pretend there are certificate.
Then I went in search of a tailor. A Head Mistress gave me fabric and I am trying hard to get it sewn into something because they want pictures next week and out to lunch together.Kiki told me that my gua sha lady also sews. Another friend told me that the next door neighbour of Chan also is a tailor. Off to Chan's. Chan said yes she sews. When I showed her the 1 Malaysia fabric and dress to copy she froze. No, no, but neighbour sews. Off we went to neighbour. Neighbour jabbered in Chinese to Chan. No no, cannot cannot. I finally get from Chan after much begging - why not? She does not want to because we cannot talk. That is the way over here. Unlike many other entrepreneurs in the world, these people will say they cannot or say don't have and be willing to lose a sale if the communication does not flow. I would say that is a very clear example of relationships before business. I could not convince her to try. Chan then says to me - go to tailor downtown. Where? She told me some obscure place which I think I know where, but they were closed yesterday. Now to tackle the journey this morning before I go to work. Yikes.
Kiki's husband brought a band of buddies and they cleared out my patio of all the plants. Shoot. I noticed after they left that they also took my planting shovel and clippers. I had planned on planting the curry leaf tree in the common property here but I am not going to use my hands to dig a hole. What I have left behind is a magnificent magenta bougainvillea, a majestic red hibiscus, and a stately red palm tree all growing happily in the outer garden. Having tried to grow these plants back home I discovered that any moron can grow them here.
Speaking of morons, I am holding the final TPD today. All mentees are to be given their certificates for working with me for the past three years. So who is the moron? The company I work for. I have postponed this even twice now due to the fact that the company either schedules something else, and/or does not have the certificates prepared. I think we are still at the not prepared stage, so we will have a party and pretend there are certificate.
My Patio is Bare Again.........
Another sign that I am on my way home. The patio has been disassembled. My hairdresser's husband brought friends and they took all the plants away. He does plan to put some of them in the hair salon, so I can still visit them before I leave. My pride and joy - the curry leaf tree has no takers. Apparently, everyone has one already. So I am going to donate it to the neighbourhood and plant it on the common property. Maybe someone will take a photograph of it and send it to me as it grows and provides the incredible aroma I will miss so much.
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