VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Living Room is Disassembled

Now I feel like I am on the move. One of my teacher's friends, who turns out to be a teacher at that school, came over today. She wanted my sofa. She saw a photo of it and was like myself - she loved it. That was enough for me to let her have it. It was something I really was drawn to when I bought it, and to know that someone else really loves it too, it belongs there. Then she spied my desk and chair that match. Hubby did not approve.  I was also disappointed seeing the things have to be separated, so 'make me an offer and it is yours'. Offer made, and out it all went. The protective glass on the surface cost more than the offer but that is ok with me. As she was leaving she then saw my jati bench. I had tried every way to get it home with me, but not practical at all. She must be my sister because she too loved it. Sat on it, consulted with hubby again. No.  Make me an offer.  She did. She now owns it.  But what a grand vacant spot in my home now. I can actually begin to clean.  I have five days to get this place in order. I have 12 days before I kick my heels together and say 'take me home'.

BTW it's raining.

I quit early today. Drove myself to Kiki's place and had a wash and dry as my treat for all the hard work I have been doing.  K.K. also dropped in, so gave me good directions to get to Senai on Saturday.  It is harder leaving here than it was leaving home. When I left home I knew I would be back. Tears, yes, but different. These tears are deep, I know I will likely not be back, and they will very likely not come to see me. This is a final farewell to many. It hurts, especially when I see it evoke tears and strong hugs.  Even Rosmerah gang said 'auntie, you must be back, do not go, is your home here now'.  No, boys, it is not my home. It has been, but home is where the heart is, and my heart has returned to Canada.  I did what I came here to do. I did make a change. With those who were willing to change. A successful clearing out day, an exhausting emotional day, an early evening because I deserve it. Maybe time to sit down with the iPad - on my bed, because there is no sofa any longer.  And play a few games that will make me insane.

Back to the salt mines tomorrow. A day off from work for some holiday again, but no rest for this wench, more cleaning and clearing.

PS As I return it to the way it was when I moved in, my home echoes again.  I have drawn a line. I refuse to sleep on the floor again like I did at the beginning.

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