VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Certainly Piqued Interest in the Last Post

According to stats, the readers seemed to be interested in the corporate world post. About 100 from Malaysia were interested.  I can only deduce that colleagues read and agreed, or company read and growled. Who cares? I state only the truth.  And BTW, I did manage to get to all but one school yesterday to update this new task that I was sure was an impossible feat. Admittedly, in a slipshod manner; much like the request was made.  But the info has been gathered, and today will be complete.  Now I wonder what other task will be issued today - confirming something impossible. Maybe each teacher log will have to be accompanied by a special song we write and produce which depicts the qualities of that teacher.  Yes, I am sure that could be impossible.  What was enjoyable about the excursion yesterday? The fact that the H.M.'s of the schools completely understood my plight and smiled warmly at me and sent me on my way after a visit. Knowing fully well that what I was sent to do was another idiosyncrasy of the country bureaucracy.

As for the scammer auto leasers, I have a signed letter from the nice man who returned my car to me yesterday. His letter indicates that he can find no visible damage to the vehicle that would constitute the RM charges levied against me. Since my company has tossed us individually into the pit to duke it out with the car company, I intend to duke it with all I can muster.  My buddy just had his car serviced yesterday and upon return discovered a deep scratch across the 'boot' that was not there when it was taken.  Yes, they seem to want to repaint these cars - maybe the colours were unpleasant and need to be refreshed But not at our expense buddy! Now he has to get some letter from the leaser admitting that the scratch was their responsibility.  Are you still laughing?

Another colleague is whining because she was out galavanting on Saturday night. Returning home around midnight (insane thing to do in this country) she was in a collision and has damage. Now the freaks are understanding what I tried very hard to disagree with 3 years ago (and all the others sat like deer in headlights accepting the crap).  We were told that any collision causes us personally RM500 charges. She now has one of those and whines. Tuffers toots.  The grasshoppers were not listening when the ant tried to argue this one 3 years ago.  It seems to be common practice to bump someone over this way, in order to get your car spiffed up for another decade of driving.  And God help you if you are in a collision with the scooter boys. It is always deemed your fault; and be sure; it is 98% usually not your fault.

22 days

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