VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Moving Simplifies Life

It simplifies if we take the opportunity to pare down. I did.  And hopefully will not build up again when I get home. Charity has a windfall. I have two bags to check on the airline. Life is good.  In the next few days - clean everywhere, empty my kitchen fridge, and wait for those who want my things to arrive.  And work.

What will I miss? So many beautiful people in Kota Tinggi, who welcomed me into their lives, their homes, their environment and shared it all with me. Today the little girl at the pos office broke down and cried when I told her the package was for me, not for my family.  She said she loves when I come to her to send family packages. She does not want me to leave.  When you come back?  I am not.  Then the tears started.  When was the last time you moved and had the postal worker cry because you left?  That is how this little place is. They love fully. Everyone.

What have I learned?  Many things. Many things about myself. Many things about others I had never contemplated before. Although everything I attempt to do here causes enough frustration to grab for a bottle of tranquillizers, I have come to understand that in this part of the world the expectations of comforts are much lower than my own. Is that bad? Of course not. It just is, and while I am in this time zone and latitude it is my duty to buck up and adopt the same.  I am not always gracious about that.  I am sorry, Kota Tinggi for all the times I have lost patience.  Terimah Kasih, Shay Shay, and Nanri for accepting me as I am.

17 days

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